Monday, February 27, 2006

The Wrong War?

Over the last two years, all I have heard from the liberal minded is that we are in the "wrong" war in Iraq. So wait, are they saying then that there is a "right" war for us to be in? I wouldn't even neccessarily say that "right" and "wrong" are good classifiers when describing war. I would rather describe war as either necessary and just or unneccessary and unjust. For example, I would consider America's involvement in World War II as both necessary and just, considering if the U.S. wouldn't have gotten involved, the entire world would be either under a Japanese flag or a German flag. Some would go as far to say that America's involvement in Vietnam was unneccessary and unjust. I would personally just go with unneccessary in that argument, but not everyone will see it my way.

Now when arguing whether the war in Iraq fits these classifications, there are several details that must be considered.

1. Are there innocent people dying under the current regime of Iraq? Yes there was under the control of Saddam Hussein. He is actuall currently on trial for such crimes against humanity.

2. Is the country a threat to the peace of the region or of the world? I would definitely like to think so considering that for the last 15 years Saddam had been trying to manufacture Weapons of Mass Destruction and has not neccessarily been that quiet about it.

3. Is there some other way to solve the issues at hand? Well, diplomacy was tried through the U.N. and through the U.S. and neither worked. The odd thing though is that the U.N. originally stated that armed force could be used in the case of Iraq under Resolution 1442. Of course, we all know what happened after that when the U.N. basically stabbed the U.S. in the back.

Overall, I would say that the reasons to go to war in Iraq are neccessary and just. There is a tyrannical dictator killing his own citizens and is openly trying to get WMDs. People then ask the question, "well where are the WMDs?" Oh, let me think, Saddam has had a better part of a decade to hide or to get rid of all of his WMDs. I still think that they are there and that it is going to take a little longer to find them. And whether or not the WMDs are still there, I don't really think that should be the only reason the U.S. is there. He was killing his own people! Does anybody see anything wrong with that? It seems as if people would rather help in other regions around the world when they see crimes against humanity, but when it comes to the Middle East, they say forget that and they don't like us. Oh, so we are only suppose to help people that like us? So that is why we were mixed into a mess in Somalia in the 1990's, because they liked us.

And here is the final kicker, now that Saddam is captured and being tried for his crimes against humanity, everybody is rejoicing at the fall of a dictator. Hello! That dictator wouldn't be in the court room if it weren't for the war.

I truly feel that what our government and our troops are doing in Iraq is neccessary and just. God Bless our troops and our government.

(This post originated on my personal blog in October of 2005)

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