Monday, February 20, 2006

Political Ideology Test

This site has a short test that claims to determine your political ideology. I like this test because it attempts to differentiate between various ideologies on the right like conservative, neoconservative, paleoconservative, libertarian, and paleolibertarian. I first took it a couple years ago, and it rated me conservative. Recently, I took it again after a few of my views had changed, and it rated me paleoconservative first, paleolibertarian second, and conservative third! This surprised me since I don't consider myself a paleoconservative. So how about it, fellow College Republicans? Take the test and post your results.


A.J. said...

I got Neocon... interesting.

Dan Roth said...

1. Conservative
2. Paleoconservative


Gregor said...

i'd be interested to see a clear explanation of paleoconservatism, neo-conservatism, etc - and how they all differ with each other and conservatism

...sounds like a good post for allan to make...

Conservative First said...

In response to public demand, I will post detailed analyses on the different types of conservatism. I'll do this just as soon as I get around to it.