Sunday, February 26, 2006

No Common Decency

Where has the common decency of this nation gone?

After recently reading an article that I found on, I am beginning to ask that very question. The article was discussing a Kansas based church(Westboro Baptist Church) that has made it a habit to demonstrate at the funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq. I am not just talking about the usual 'liberal' demonstrations aimed at showing disapproval for the war in Iraq, but rather a group of demonstrators from the Westboro Baptist Church that claim to be Christian that use such slogans on their signs as "God Hates America" and "Thank God for 9/11". The churches controversial slogan of "God Hates Fags" has even graces the title of the their website. Members of the church have also been known to say that the death of American soldiers in Iraq is God's punishment on the U.S. for its' toleration of homosexuals.

According to the FoxNews article, several families of fallen American soldiers are seeking out legislation that would prevent such 'funeral protesters'. According to the same article, "at least 14 states are considering measures to ban demonstrations outside of funeral services." The legislative ban, if passed into law, would draw a great deal of controversy considering that it could possibly infringe on the first amendment rights of the demonstrators.

For the record, I feel that this group has tarnished the true identity of God and of Christianity. Their slogan "God Hates Fags", is truly radical and incredibly false. Christian doctrine teaches that God hates the sin, not the person. The actions of this group, which are far more than just protests at funerals, are nothing less than repulsive. This group is distorting Christianity just as the terrorists are distorting Islam. Thank God for such veterans as the individuals in Minnesota that acted as a shield, in opposition to the protesters, for the funeral procession of Cpl. Andrew Kemple.God Bless America. God Bless Our Troops.

"Families Seek Legislative Remedies From Funeral Protesters",2933,184623,00.html

"Veterans guard Minnesota soldier's family from pickets"

The Westboro Babtist Church Homepage(Group responsible for the protests)

(This post originated on my personal blog)

1 comment:

Conservative First said...

Ah, Fred Phelps. This guy is a total nutjob. With only a handful of followers, he doesn't deserve any media attention at all. Naturally, the media loves reporting on him to try to make all Christians and conservatives look bad. This guy is neither. He has protested James Dobson's Focus on the Family (for being too pro-homosexual). One of his own sons (a Christian) had said that Fred is just a person driven by hate who could just as easily have picked some other group to vent his rage at.