Governor: 43-54 for Whitmer over Schuette. Michigan's governorship usually flips when open. Schuette ran a lackluster campaign and was dogged by controversies inherited by Snyder and attacks from Calley in a bitter primary.
Senate: 46.3-51.7 for Stabenow over John James. Much closer than her wins by 21% in 2012 and 16% in 2006. John James was a good candidate who has a future in the MI GOP.
AG: 46.8-48.5 for Dana Nessel. Get ready for four years of crazy Dana.
SOS: 45-52 for Benson. Lang was largely abandoned in this race.
Proposal 1 (marijuana): 56-44 Get ready for legal pot.
Proposal 2 (redistricting): 61-39 This will be a mess with both sides trying to game the system. Without the governor, Rs wouldn't have controlled the process, anyhow.
Proposal 3 (voting rules): 67-33 Easy win with no organized opposition.
Supreme Court was 30-25-24 for Clement (moderate R) and Cavanagh (D) with Wilder (conservative R) losing. Rs have 4-3 majority, but two Rs are unreliable.
Education Boards: Ds sweep all eight seats.
1. 56-44 for Bergman. If Bergman keeps his term limits pledge, this seat will be open in 2022.
2. 55-43 for Huizinga. Much closer, but not that close.
3. 55-42 for Amash. Still secure.
4. 63-37 for Moolenaar.
5. 36-60 Kildee
6. 50.3-45.7 Upton. Close call. Upton no longer overperforms. Does he retire in 2020, or hang on longer?
7. 54-46 Walberg. He will never win big margins, but he has settled in here.
8. 46.8-50.6 for Slotkin (LOSS). Bishop lost thanks to D turnout in Ingham and Oakland. Bishop didn't work the district hard enough. Maybe Joe Hune could run next time?
9. 37-60 for Andy Levin, an heir force candidate.
10. 60-35 for Mitchell
11. 45-52 for Stevens (LOSS). Big suburban revolt for Ds in Wayne and Oakland. Lena Epstein, a Trump sycophant, was a bad candidate here. Maybe Pat Colbeck could run here?
12. 28-69 for Debbie Dingell
13. 89% for Tlaib (general) and 91% for Jones (special). Expect a hotly contested primary here in 2020.
14. 15-83 for Lawrence
State Senate. The GOP lost five seats, ending with a 22-16 majority. The losses were all in urban/suburban areas. Good enough to stop Ds from passing any legislation.
7. 47-51 Polhanki. LOSS for Laura Cox in an upscale suburban seat. Cox could run for her old house seat, which also went D.
10. 51-46 for MacDonald. Not the best candidate, but good enough in a Trump-friendly area.
12. 48.6-49.4 for Bayer. LOSS for McCready. A libertarian may have cost the moderate McCready.
13. 48.1-51.9 for McMorrow. LOSS for Knollenberg. Oakland suburbs here and in 12 swung against the GOP.
15. 51.7-48.3 for Runestad. Big win for a solid conservative.
17. 58-39 for Dale Zorn.
20. 42-53 for McCann. LOSS for Margaret O’Brien after her 61-vote win in 2014.
22. 56-42 for Lana Theis. Big win for conservatives.
24. 54-43 for Tom Barrett. Big win for conservatives. Rossman spent a fortune here.
29. 41-56 for Brinks. LOSS in a district that was on borrowed time thanks to Grand Rapids.
31. 60-40 for Daley. He lost the primary four years ago.
32. 55-45 for Ken Horn. Republicans have won the last eight state senate elections in Saginaw!
34. 50.7-46.4 for Bumstead. Win for a fairly conservative candidate.
38. 55-44 for McBroom. Dianda was a good candidate, but the UP is too Trump-friendly to win.
There are now three solid conservatives (Runestad, Theis, and Barrett), up from two now. Mike Shirkey will be the new majority leader, an improvement on the current leader. Four years from now there will be a new map. Rs will have to defend open seats in Monroe and Saginaw, but should have a good chance to pick up a seat in Oakland.
State house. Republicans lost six seats and picked up one, for a net loss of five. The majority is now 58-52. Conservative Lee Chatfield will be the new speaker.
3-10. Rs got 2-8% in the all-Detroit districts.
17. 56-44 for Bellino
19. 49.8-50.2 for Pohutski. LOSS for GOP, win for progressive Ds. Laura Cox could run for a final term here.
20. 47.3-52.7 for Koleszar. LOSS for Noble, who had a sick wife and couldn't campaign much.
23. 44-56 for Camilleri. Safe D now, competitive when open.
24. 56-44 for Marino
25. 46-54 for Shannon. Big missed opportunity here.
30. 57-43 for Farrington
38. 49.4-48.1 for Crawford. Tough open seat in 2020.
39. 54-42 for Berman against indicted embezzler Suidan.
40. 43-57 for Manoogian. LOSS in the ultimate upscale suburban district.
41. 48.7-51.3 for Kuppa. LOSS for Teitz in often vulnerable Troy.
44. 58-42 for Maddock, a solid conservative Trump supporter.
60. 23-77 for Hoadley
61. 51.4-48.6 for Brandt Iden, who finally broke 50%.
62. 48.2-51.8 for Haadsma. LOSS for Rs, which was closer than expected.
63. 57-39 for Matt Hall
66. 57-43 for Beth Griffin
67. 44-54 This district is close, but not winnable.
71. 49.1-50.9 for Witwer. Tough LOSS in a swing district.
72. 54-43 for Steven Johnson
79. 56-44 for Wendzel
91. 56-44 for VanWoerkem. Big win in a swing district.
93. 52.5-44.6 for Filler
94. 55-45 for Wakeman
98. 52-48 for Annette Glenn. Big win for conservatives against big spending utilities.
99. 53.4-46.6 for Hauck
101. 58-42 for O'Malley. Great candidate in a usually close district.
104. 50.4-49.6 for Larry Inman. Weak candidate in a vulnerable upscale district.
110. 50.8-49.2 for Gregory Markkanen. PICKUP for a candidate who raised almost no money in a Trump-friendly district.
My ratings turned out to be pretty accurate. Every race I had at likely or safe for a party was won by that party. The only lean races I missed were Wilder, Bishop, Epstein, senate 7 and 12, and house 110. My state senate tossups had margins of 5, 4, 11, 11. My state house tossups had margins of 12, .4, 5, 3, 3, 2, 12, 7, and 16. The closest margin in a race I had at safe was 4 (Upton).
Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Saturday, October 27, 2018
2018 Michigan State House Races
Last updated October 27, 2018.
Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and RRH Elections.
All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majority in 2016, the same margin as in 2014. There are 42 open seats, 25 held by Republicans and 17 held by democrats. There are 23 open due to term-limits, 18 just due to seeking another office, and 1 pure retirement.
Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm. Libertarians achieved major party status due to Gary Johnson's showing in 2016, which led to more Libertarian candidates. The elimination of straight ticket voting may help Republicans in downballot races.
Conservatives did reasonably well in 2018 primaries. Conservative Lee Chatfield is the presumptive next house GOP leader.
Republican Michigander has a profile of the Michigan state house focusing more on district demographics.

The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, and 2016 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating. The complete candidate list is available here:
Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and RRH Elections.
All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majority in 2016, the same margin as in 2014. There are 42 open seats, 25 held by Republicans and 17 held by democrats. There are 23 open due to term-limits, 18 just due to seeking another office, and 1 pure retirement.
Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm. Libertarians achieved major party status due to Gary Johnson's showing in 2016, which led to more Libertarian candidates. The elimination of straight ticket voting may help Republicans in downballot races.
Conservatives did reasonably well in 2018 primaries. Conservative Lee Chatfield is the presumptive next house GOP leader.
Republican Michigander has a profile of the Michigan state house focusing more on district demographics.

The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, and 2016 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating. The complete candidate list is available here:
Thursday, August 09, 2018
Lessons from the 2018 Primary Elections
What can we learn from the 2018 primary elections? This article explains what the winning candidates had in common. I wrote similar articles in 2014 and 2016.
They don't call it the establishment for nothing Establishment candidates won virtually all state senate races and most state house races. They have the inside track on fundraising, endorsements, and organization.
The moderate wing of the party was hammered, with David Maturen losing renomination, and Kathy Crawford narrowly surviving. Daniela Garcia, Dave Pagel, Brett Roberts, Mike Callton, and Joe Haveman lost state senate primaries. Only Chris Afendoulis and Mike McCready won primaries, advancing to competitive generals.
Some solid conservatives won primaries (Jim Runestad, Lana Theis, Tom Barrett), while others lost (Bob Genetski, Gary Glenn, and Ray Franz). The most common winners were mainstream conservatives like Pete Lucido, Ruth Johnson, John Bizon, Kim LaSata, Aric Nesbitt, Roger Victory, Rick Outman, Jon Bumstead, and Curt VanderWall. A similar pattern held in for state house nominations.
Experience counts Elected experience is valuable for winning candidates. All of the Republican state senate nominees were previously state representatives. State house winners Doug Tietz, Sarah Lightner, and Christine Barnes have all been elected to county commissions.
Incumbency Matters All but one incumbent Republican won renomination. Beating an incumbent in a primary is very hard. The one exception this year is Matt Hall, who spent more than 200K of his own money to defeat David Maturen. The only other conservative challengers who beat a Republican incumbent in recent years are Tim Walberg in 2006 and Lee Chatfield in 2014. Certainly many incumbents deserve primary challenges, but conservatives have limited resources. Winning an open seat is much easier than beating an incumbent. Politicians can still be held to account when they run for other offices, as with the moderates listed above. There are still some benefits to primary challenges, though, as they may encourage the incumbent to vote better for awhile and may help the challenger to win an open seat later.
If at first you don't succeed David Wolkinson and Gary Eisen both finished second in 2012 state house primaries. This time, they won their primaries. Matt Maddock lost a close primary for state senate in 2014, but won a big victory for state house this time. Candidates who lost this time should look for opportunities to run again in the future.
Build a brand David Wolkinson, Doug Tietz, Matt Maddock, Matt Hall, and Annette Glenn are known across Michigan for advocating conservative causes. This can provide a larger fundraising base to tap when you run for office.
Don't split the vote Conservatives did much better this year than in past years. Senate district 12 is one example where a conservative candidate likely lost due to vote splitting. Conservatives may have benefited from splits in the establishment in senate districts 30 and house districts 40 and 81.
Money doesn't buy elections Self-funding candidates have a bad electoral track record. Shri Thanedar, Jim Himes, Sandy Pensler all self-funded statewide bids and lost. Self-funder Lena Epstein did win the nomination in MI-11.
Money is essential Money does not guarantee victory, but it is essential to get your message out. This is particularly true in local elections, which are often decided by name recognition. Look at how much winning conservative candidates raised.
Wolkinson 69K
Tietz 67K
Maddock 98K
Hall 209K
Meerman 30K
Glenn 52K
The candidate who raised the most money won in 13 of 21 contested primaries in open Republican seats (fewer than in past cycles). I have written before that the minimum amount needed to be a credible candidate is $30,000. Only five winners raised less than 30K this cycle, two in races where no candidate did. All but one winner raised at least 15K.
Exceptions are exceptional The only Republican with bad fundraising to win nomination is Gary Eisen, a firearms instructor who raised only 3K. He had finished second in 2012, and apparently had built some support from that run. He joins Steven Johnson (2016) and Aaron Miller (2014) as candidates who beat the odds despite poor fundraising. So it is possible for a candidate who works hard to catch on with voters without the usual advantages. But it definitely isn't the way to bet, and it shouldn't be an excuse to ignore the usual path to victory.
They don't call it the establishment for nothing Establishment candidates won virtually all state senate races and most state house races. They have the inside track on fundraising, endorsements, and organization.
The moderate wing of the party was hammered, with David Maturen losing renomination, and Kathy Crawford narrowly surviving. Daniela Garcia, Dave Pagel, Brett Roberts, Mike Callton, and Joe Haveman lost state senate primaries. Only Chris Afendoulis and Mike McCready won primaries, advancing to competitive generals.
Some solid conservatives won primaries (Jim Runestad, Lana Theis, Tom Barrett), while others lost (Bob Genetski, Gary Glenn, and Ray Franz). The most common winners were mainstream conservatives like Pete Lucido, Ruth Johnson, John Bizon, Kim LaSata, Aric Nesbitt, Roger Victory, Rick Outman, Jon Bumstead, and Curt VanderWall. A similar pattern held in for state house nominations.
Experience counts Elected experience is valuable for winning candidates. All of the Republican state senate nominees were previously state representatives. State house winners Doug Tietz, Sarah Lightner, and Christine Barnes have all been elected to county commissions.
Incumbency Matters All but one incumbent Republican won renomination. Beating an incumbent in a primary is very hard. The one exception this year is Matt Hall, who spent more than 200K of his own money to defeat David Maturen. The only other conservative challengers who beat a Republican incumbent in recent years are Tim Walberg in 2006 and Lee Chatfield in 2014. Certainly many incumbents deserve primary challenges, but conservatives have limited resources. Winning an open seat is much easier than beating an incumbent. Politicians can still be held to account when they run for other offices, as with the moderates listed above. There are still some benefits to primary challenges, though, as they may encourage the incumbent to vote better for awhile and may help the challenger to win an open seat later.
If at first you don't succeed David Wolkinson and Gary Eisen both finished second in 2012 state house primaries. This time, they won their primaries. Matt Maddock lost a close primary for state senate in 2014, but won a big victory for state house this time. Candidates who lost this time should look for opportunities to run again in the future.
Build a brand David Wolkinson, Doug Tietz, Matt Maddock, Matt Hall, and Annette Glenn are known across Michigan for advocating conservative causes. This can provide a larger fundraising base to tap when you run for office.
Don't split the vote Conservatives did much better this year than in past years. Senate district 12 is one example where a conservative candidate likely lost due to vote splitting. Conservatives may have benefited from splits in the establishment in senate districts 30 and house districts 40 and 81.
Money doesn't buy elections Self-funding candidates have a bad electoral track record. Shri Thanedar, Jim Himes, Sandy Pensler all self-funded statewide bids and lost. Self-funder Lena Epstein did win the nomination in MI-11.
Money is essential Money does not guarantee victory, but it is essential to get your message out. This is particularly true in local elections, which are often decided by name recognition. Look at how much winning conservative candidates raised.
Wolkinson 69K
Tietz 67K
Maddock 98K
Hall 209K
Meerman 30K
Glenn 52K
The candidate who raised the most money won in 13 of 21 contested primaries in open Republican seats (fewer than in past cycles). I have written before that the minimum amount needed to be a credible candidate is $30,000. Only five winners raised less than 30K this cycle, two in races where no candidate did. All but one winner raised at least 15K.
Exceptions are exceptional The only Republican with bad fundraising to win nomination is Gary Eisen, a firearms instructor who raised only 3K. He had finished second in 2012, and apparently had built some support from that run. He joins Steven Johnson (2016) and Aaron Miller (2014) as candidates who beat the odds despite poor fundraising. So it is possible for a candidate who works hard to catch on with voters without the usual advantages. But it definitely isn't the way to bet, and it shouldn't be an excuse to ignore the usual path to victory.
Wednesday, August 08, 2018
2018 August Primary Election Results
(R) Schuette 51 Calley 25 Colbeck 13 Hines 11
(D) Whitmer 52 El-Sayed 30 Thanedar 18
No surprise. Shri can't buy votes.
(R) James 55 Pensler 45
Trump's endorsement was key here.
6 (D) Longjohn 37 Franklin 29 Benac 21 Eichholz 13
9 (D) Levin 52 Lipton 42 Dynasty wins here.
11 (R) Epstein 31 Raczkowski 26 Kowall 18 Kesto 14 Bentivolio 11
11 (D) Stevens 27 Greimel 22 Gupta 21 Saad 19 Skinner 10
13 (Regular) (D) Tlaib 33 Jones 29 Wild 14 Young 12 Conyers 6 Jackson 5
13 (Special) (D) Jones 37 Tlaib 36 Wild 15 Conyers 11
A split black vote allowed Tlaib to win the regular primary, while a smaller candidate field allowed Jones to win the special primary.
State Senate
1 (D) Chang 49 Talabi 27 Progressive wins.
2 (D) Hollier 27 Banks 19 Aiyash 17 The cranks were rejected here.
3 (D) Santana 42 Woronchak 39 Belle 14
4 (D) Bullock 45 Durhal 39
5 (D) Alexander 54 Knezek 46 Huge upset of a white D.
6 (D) Geiss 65 Kosowski 35 More liberal D wins.
8 (R) Lucido 72 Goike 28
9 (D) Wojno 63 Lodovisi 37
10 (R) MacDonald 59 Shallal 27
11 (D) Moss 52 Bailey 21
12 (R) McCready 45 Tedder 44 Whitney 8 Moderate wins due to split conservative vote.
14 (R) Johnson 77 Houston 23
15 (R) Runestad 90 Saari 10 Good.
16 (R) Shirkey 64 Dame 36
18 (D) Irwin 35.6 Deatrick 35.2 Rajendra 26
19 (R) Bizon 59 Callton 41 More conservative R wins.
21 (R) LaSata 55 Pagel 45 Conservative R wins.
22 (R) Theis 75 Marinaro 25 Good.
24 (R) Barrett 70 Roberts 30 Big victory.
26 (R) Nesbitt 52 Genetski 29 Consumers Energy smear campaign wins here.
29 (R) Afendoulis 81 Oesch 19
30 (R) Victory 42 Garcia 26 Haveman 26 DeBoer 6 Good that Garcia lost.
31 (R) Daley 59 Glenn 41 Consumers Energy smear campaign wins here.
...(D) Luczak 53 Jordan 20 Pro-life D wins primary.
32 (D) Phelps 59 Gaudreau 41
33 (R) Outman 72 Alexander 28
34 (R) Bumstead 52 Hughes 48 Hughes' big spending didn't save her.
...(D) Sias-Hernandez 54 LaMonte 46 Big upset of preferred D candidate.
35 (R) VanderWall 49 Rendon 24 Franz 23 Younger candidate beats two former reps.
37 (R) Schmidt 80 Gurr 20
38 (R) McBroom 69 Carey 31
(R) Schuette 51 Calley 25 Colbeck 13 Hines 11
(D) Whitmer 52 El-Sayed 30 Thanedar 18
No surprise. Shri can't buy votes.
(R) James 55 Pensler 45
Trump's endorsement was key here.
6 (D) Longjohn 37 Franklin 29 Benac 21 Eichholz 13
9 (D) Levin 52 Lipton 42 Dynasty wins here.
11 (R) Epstein 31 Raczkowski 26 Kowall 18 Kesto 14 Bentivolio 11
11 (D) Stevens 27 Greimel 22 Gupta 21 Saad 19 Skinner 10
13 (Regular) (D) Tlaib 33 Jones 29 Wild 14 Young 12 Conyers 6 Jackson 5
13 (Special) (D) Jones 37 Tlaib 36 Wild 15 Conyers 11
A split black vote allowed Tlaib to win the regular primary, while a smaller candidate field allowed Jones to win the special primary.
State Senate
1 (D) Chang 49 Talabi 27 Progressive wins.
2 (D) Hollier 27 Banks 19 Aiyash 17 The cranks were rejected here.
3 (D) Santana 42 Woronchak 39 Belle 14
4 (D) Bullock 45 Durhal 39
5 (D) Alexander 54 Knezek 46 Huge upset of a white D.
6 (D) Geiss 65 Kosowski 35 More liberal D wins.
8 (R) Lucido 72 Goike 28
9 (D) Wojno 63 Lodovisi 37
10 (R) MacDonald 59 Shallal 27
11 (D) Moss 52 Bailey 21
12 (R) McCready 45 Tedder 44 Whitney 8 Moderate wins due to split conservative vote.
14 (R) Johnson 77 Houston 23
15 (R) Runestad 90 Saari 10 Good.
16 (R) Shirkey 64 Dame 36
18 (D) Irwin 35.6 Deatrick 35.2 Rajendra 26
19 (R) Bizon 59 Callton 41 More conservative R wins.
21 (R) LaSata 55 Pagel 45 Conservative R wins.
22 (R) Theis 75 Marinaro 25 Good.
24 (R) Barrett 70 Roberts 30 Big victory.
26 (R) Nesbitt 52 Genetski 29 Consumers Energy smear campaign wins here.
29 (R) Afendoulis 81 Oesch 19
30 (R) Victory 42 Garcia 26 Haveman 26 DeBoer 6 Good that Garcia lost.
31 (R) Daley 59 Glenn 41 Consumers Energy smear campaign wins here.
...(D) Luczak 53 Jordan 20 Pro-life D wins primary.
32 (D) Phelps 59 Gaudreau 41
33 (R) Outman 72 Alexander 28
34 (R) Bumstead 52 Hughes 48 Hughes' big spending didn't save her.
...(D) Sias-Hernandez 54 LaMonte 46 Big upset of preferred D candidate.
35 (R) VanderWall 49 Rendon 24 Franz 23 Younger candidate beats two former reps.
37 (R) Schmidt 80 Gurr 20
38 (R) McBroom 69 Carey 31
Thursday, August 02, 2018
Primary Recommendations for Michigan State House
Every seat in the Michigan state house is up for election in 2018, and many seats are open due to term limits. The house has been run by its more conservative wing for the past four years. Continuing this trend will depend on conservatives winning primaries in August. Here are my recommendations for who to support in Republican primaries. Some races are hard evaluate, so additional information from readers is welcome.
Recommended candidates are in bold.
36. Strangely, none of the three major candidates here have an issue page. However, Dr. Karen Potchynok-Lund, wife of conservative former rep Pete Lund, is solely endorsed by Right to Life.
38. Moderate incumbent Kathy Crawford has voted to increase gas taxes, support hollywood subsidies and FoxConn subsidies, against electric choice, against an income tax cut, against constitutional carry, against cutting auto insurance rates, and against reforming civil asset forfeiture. Chase Turner is running on a conservative platform and is endorsed by Pat Colbeck.
39. Assistant prosecutor Marsha Kosmatka is running on a conservative platform and is solely endorsed by Right to Life and Citizens for Traditional Values. Ryan Berman and Kevin Tatulyan also have decent platforms.
40. Lawyer/businessman David Wolkinson has a fairly conservative platform. CPA Paul Taros is a Tea Party activist who may not be the best fit for a moderate district. Mike Banerian and Malissa Bossardet have fairly generic platforms. Joe Zane has made many democrat donations.
41. Oakland County Commissioner Doug Tietz is a good conservative who was campaign manager for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative in 2006.
43. Independence Township Trustee Jose Aliaga is a solid conservative who has an Aq rating from the NRA, while his opponents both got C from the NRA.
44. Businessman Matt Maddock is a conservative leader in Oakland County. He is solely endorsed by Right to Life.
51. Mike Mueller is the establishment favorite, but his positions are unimpressive. County commissioner Drew Shaprio has a history of run-ins with the police and no issues page on his website. Trump delegate Ian Shetron has a conservative platform.
63. Moderate incumbent David Maturen is pro-abortion, has a D rating from the NRA, and voted for gas tax increases and against income tax cuts. He is being challenged by conservative activist Matt Hall (a third candidate dropped out).
65. Jackson County Commissioner Sarah Lightner is solely endorsed by Right to Life and has an Aq rating from NRA.
71. County Commissioner Christine Barnes seems to be more conservative than businessman Chuck Cascarilla, but the difference isn't huge.
72. State rep. Steven Johnson has been one of the best conservatives in the house since his election in 2016. He is endorsed by Right to Life, NRA, Pat Colbeck, and Bob Genetski. He is being challenged by moderate Jennifer Antel.
73. Most establishment support has gone to Lynn Afendoulis, cousin of the moderate incumbent. A better choice is Robert Regan, who is endorsed by the NRA, state senator Pat Colbeck, and state reps Dave Agema and Steve Johnson.
77. State rep Tommy Brann has been an average conservative in office. He is being challenged by Daniel Oesch.
78. Niles city councilman David Mann is running on a conservative platform and is solely endorsed by Right to Life and conservative state rep Steve Johnson.
79. The candidate websites don't show a clear distinction. Pauline Wendzel is endorsed by local conservative activist David Yardley.
81. Kenneth Nicholl and Eric Stocker have raised the most, but have generic platforms. Joel Williams and Gary Eisen have more conservative platforms.
84. There doesn't seem to be a clear distinction between county commissioner Matthew Bierlein, Phil Green, son of conservative state senator Mike Green, and businessman Dean Smith.
88. Luke Meerman is solely endorsed by Right to Life, as well as by conservative former state rep. Tom Hooker.
90. Ottawa County Treasurer Bradley Slagh has most establishment support and is solely endorsed by Right to Life. Orlando Estrada is a conservative alternative.
91. Greg VanWoerkem, a staffer for Bill Huizenga, has most establishment support and is solely endorsed by Right to Life. However, former county commissioner Alan Jager has a higher NRA rating.
93. County Commissioner Anne Hill is running on a solidly conservative platform.
94. Saginaw Township Treasurer Steven Gerhardt is solely endorsed by Right to Life and is the most conservative candidate.
98. Annette Glenn is the wife of staunch conservative state rep. Gary Glenn. She is solely endorsed by Right to Life and seems to be the only candidate running a serious campaign.
101. Radio host Jack O'Malley seems to be running the most serious campaign. Carolyn Cater is runnning as a more conservative alternative.
102. State rep. Michelle Hoitenga has been one of the best conservatives in the house since her election in 2016. She is being challenged from the left by William Barnett.
107. State rep. Lee Chatfield is a solid conservative who is in line to be the next Republican leader in the house. He faces an unserious primary opponent.
110. Doctor and school board member Kirk Schott is solely endorsed by Right to Life and seems to be running the most serious campaign.
Recommended candidates are in bold.
36. Strangely, none of the three major candidates here have an issue page. However, Dr. Karen Potchynok-Lund, wife of conservative former rep Pete Lund, is solely endorsed by Right to Life.
38. Moderate incumbent Kathy Crawford has voted to increase gas taxes, support hollywood subsidies and FoxConn subsidies, against electric choice, against an income tax cut, against constitutional carry, against cutting auto insurance rates, and against reforming civil asset forfeiture. Chase Turner is running on a conservative platform and is endorsed by Pat Colbeck.
39. Assistant prosecutor Marsha Kosmatka is running on a conservative platform and is solely endorsed by Right to Life and Citizens for Traditional Values. Ryan Berman and Kevin Tatulyan also have decent platforms.
40. Lawyer/businessman David Wolkinson has a fairly conservative platform. CPA Paul Taros is a Tea Party activist who may not be the best fit for a moderate district. Mike Banerian and Malissa Bossardet have fairly generic platforms. Joe Zane has made many democrat donations.
41. Oakland County Commissioner Doug Tietz is a good conservative who was campaign manager for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative in 2006.
43. Independence Township Trustee Jose Aliaga is a solid conservative who has an Aq rating from the NRA, while his opponents both got C from the NRA.
44. Businessman Matt Maddock is a conservative leader in Oakland County. He is solely endorsed by Right to Life.
51. Mike Mueller is the establishment favorite, but his positions are unimpressive. County commissioner Drew Shaprio has a history of run-ins with the police and no issues page on his website. Trump delegate Ian Shetron has a conservative platform.
63. Moderate incumbent David Maturen is pro-abortion, has a D rating from the NRA, and voted for gas tax increases and against income tax cuts. He is being challenged by conservative activist Matt Hall (a third candidate dropped out).
65. Jackson County Commissioner Sarah Lightner is solely endorsed by Right to Life and has an Aq rating from NRA.
71. County Commissioner Christine Barnes seems to be more conservative than businessman Chuck Cascarilla, but the difference isn't huge.
72. State rep. Steven Johnson has been one of the best conservatives in the house since his election in 2016. He is endorsed by Right to Life, NRA, Pat Colbeck, and Bob Genetski. He is being challenged by moderate Jennifer Antel.
73. Most establishment support has gone to Lynn Afendoulis, cousin of the moderate incumbent. A better choice is Robert Regan, who is endorsed by the NRA, state senator Pat Colbeck, and state reps Dave Agema and Steve Johnson.
77. State rep Tommy Brann has been an average conservative in office. He is being challenged by Daniel Oesch.
78. Niles city councilman David Mann is running on a conservative platform and is solely endorsed by Right to Life and conservative state rep Steve Johnson.
79. The candidate websites don't show a clear distinction. Pauline Wendzel is endorsed by local conservative activist David Yardley.
81. Kenneth Nicholl and Eric Stocker have raised the most, but have generic platforms. Joel Williams and Gary Eisen have more conservative platforms.
84. There doesn't seem to be a clear distinction between county commissioner Matthew Bierlein, Phil Green, son of conservative state senator Mike Green, and businessman Dean Smith.
88. Luke Meerman is solely endorsed by Right to Life, as well as by conservative former state rep. Tom Hooker.
90. Ottawa County Treasurer Bradley Slagh has most establishment support and is solely endorsed by Right to Life. Orlando Estrada is a conservative alternative.
91. Greg VanWoerkem, a staffer for Bill Huizenga, has most establishment support and is solely endorsed by Right to Life. However, former county commissioner Alan Jager has a higher NRA rating.
93. County Commissioner Anne Hill is running on a solidly conservative platform.
94. Saginaw Township Treasurer Steven Gerhardt is solely endorsed by Right to Life and is the most conservative candidate.
98. Annette Glenn is the wife of staunch conservative state rep. Gary Glenn. She is solely endorsed by Right to Life and seems to be the only candidate running a serious campaign.
101. Radio host Jack O'Malley seems to be running the most serious campaign. Carolyn Cater is runnning as a more conservative alternative.
102. State rep. Michelle Hoitenga has been one of the best conservatives in the house since her election in 2016. She is being challenged from the left by William Barnett.
107. State rep. Lee Chatfield is a solid conservative who is in line to be the next Republican leader in the house. He faces an unserious primary opponent.
110. Doctor and school board member Kirk Schott is solely endorsed by Right to Life and seems to be running the most serious campaign.
Wednesday, August 01, 2018
July 2018 Michigan State House Fundraising
July 27 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature. Here are summaries of the total amount raised in competitive Michigan state house districts. Totals include in-kind contributions, and for Republicans, late contributions. Candidates who filed reporting waivers are generally omitted.
2. (D) Tate 40K, Tinsley-Smith 16K, Bell 4K
4. (D) Razo 58K, Oberholtzer 48K, Friedrichs 38K, Nolish 26K, Almasmari 18K, Rob 7K, Jones 5K, Little 2K
5. (D) Johnson 23K, Payne 9K
6. (D) Edevbie 89K, Defoe 53K, Choske 36K, White 35K, Wilson 25K, Carter 24K, Magdeleno 7K, Humphries 3K
9. (D) Whitsett 21K, Stuckey 6K
11. (D) Walker 31K, Jones 29K
12. (D) Garza 42K, Taylor 6K
16. (D) B. Johnson 75K, McDermott 35K, Coleman 14K
17. (R) Bellino 120K, (D) LaVoy 34K
19. (R) Meakin 33K (D) Centers 69K, Pohutski 13K
20. (R) Noble 71K (D) Koleszar 46K
23. (R) Frazier 2K (D) Camilleri 178K
25. (R) Early 3K (D) Shannon 19K
28. (D) Green 49K, Stone 3K
29. (D) Carter 23K, Jackson 13K, Payton 11K
30. (R) Farrington 90K (D) Naoum 66K
35. (D) Reiter 68K, Bolden 37K, Gregory 22K, Meyers 7K
36. (R) Czasak 24K, Lund 57K, Wozniak 19K
38. (R) Crawford 53K, Turner 14K
(D) Bagchi 41K, Breen 16K, Petrillo 5K
39. (R) Berman 38K, Hoyt 4K, Kosmatka 68K, Tatulyan 18K (D) Suidan 30K
40. (R) Banerian 42K, Bossardet 48K, Secrest 6K, Taros 59K, Wolkinson 69K, Zane 37K
(D) Manoogian 92K, Bedi 67K
41. (R) Baker 66K, Tietz 67K (D) Kuppa 88K
42. (R) Bollin 49K (D) Shand 29K
43. (R) Aliaga 35K, Bartolotta 17K, Schroeder 37K (D) Breadon 5K
44. (R) Maddock 98K, Marko 21K, O'Brien 15K (D) Dodd 17K
48. (D) Kennedy 38K, Tiffany 4K, Gunnels 3K
49. (D) Cherry 56K, Walling 35K, Darisaw 6K
51. (R) Anderton 6K, Mueller 42K, Shapiro 23K, Shetron 11K (D) Lossing 30K
55. (D) Warren 103K, McNally 1K
56. (R) Sheppard 68K (D) Whiteside 4K
57. (R) Kahle 96K (D) Pedersen 4K
61. (R) Iden 135K (D) Whitener 14K, Griffin 14K
62. (R) Morgan 32K (D) Haadsma 39K
63. (R) Maturen 76K, Hall 209K
64. (R) Alexander 78K (D) Troxel 19K
65. (R) Brittain 31K, Lightner 30K, Rice 8K (D) McKinnon 11K
66. (R) Griffin 102K (D) Seibert 16K
67. (R) Clark 16K (D) Hope 49K, Findlay 4K, Domann 1K
68. (D) DeWeese 78K, Anthony 67K, Collison 17K, Bradley 6K, Anderson 2K, Guins 1K
69. (D) Brixie 101K, Tsernoglou 81K, Banas 37K
71. (R) Barnes 31K, Cascarilla 59K, Stewart 18K
(D) Witwer 68K, Bowen 14K
72. (R) Johnson 62K, Antel 15K (D) Draayer 27K
73. (R) Afendoulis 90K, Fortier 53K, Regan 14K, Spencer 9K (D) Saxton 13K
76. (R) Brand 34K (D) Hood 70K
77. (R) Brann 91K (D) VanKirk 14K
78. (R) Hinkle 2K, Mann 34K, Paquette 17K, Priede 10K (D) Hill 6K
79. (R) Gorenflo 7K, Moen 20K, Rolling 13K, Wendzel 52K (D) Andrews 12K
81. (R) Eisen 3K, Nicholl 24K, Pratt 5K, Stocker 12K, Williams 4K
84. (R) Bierlein 13K, Green 15K, Smith 28K
85. (R) Frederick 94K (D) Sabin 8K
88. (R) Bosch 4K, Meerman 30K, Minier 9K
90. (R) Estrada 4K, Slagh 30K
91. (R) Jager 7K, VanWoerkem 91K (D) Cabala 46K
93. (R) Anderson 48K, Filler 62K, Hill 25K (D) Levey 8K
94. (R) Gerhardt 52K, Wakeman 34K (D) Adams 12K
98. (R) Glenn 52K (D) Schulz 60K
99. (R) Hauck 140K (D) Quast-Lents 33K, Brown 23K, Doyle 1K
101. (R) O'Malley 28K (D) Wiejaczka 52K, Hoogterp 4K
102. (R) Hoitenga 75K, Barnett 34K
104. (R) Inman 74K (D) Oneil 107K
106. (R) Allor 213K (D) Greene 20K
107. (R) Chatfield 261K (D) Galloway 17K
110. (R) LaCosse $232, Markkanen 3K, Schott 9K (D) Summers 69K
2. (D) Tate 40K, Tinsley-Smith 16K, Bell 4K
4. (D) Razo 58K, Oberholtzer 48K, Friedrichs 38K, Nolish 26K, Almasmari 18K, Rob 7K, Jones 5K, Little 2K
5. (D) Johnson 23K, Payne 9K
6. (D) Edevbie 89K, Defoe 53K, Choske 36K, White 35K, Wilson 25K, Carter 24K, Magdeleno 7K, Humphries 3K
9. (D) Whitsett 21K, Stuckey 6K
11. (D) Walker 31K, Jones 29K
12. (D) Garza 42K, Taylor 6K
16. (D) B. Johnson 75K, McDermott 35K, Coleman 14K
17. (R) Bellino 120K, (D) LaVoy 34K
19. (R) Meakin 33K (D) Centers 69K, Pohutski 13K
20. (R) Noble 71K (D) Koleszar 46K
23. (R) Frazier 2K (D) Camilleri 178K
25. (R) Early 3K (D) Shannon 19K
28. (D) Green 49K, Stone 3K
29. (D) Carter 23K, Jackson 13K, Payton 11K
30. (R) Farrington 90K (D) Naoum 66K
35. (D) Reiter 68K, Bolden 37K, Gregory 22K, Meyers 7K
36. (R) Czasak 24K, Lund 57K, Wozniak 19K
38. (R) Crawford 53K, Turner 14K
(D) Bagchi 41K, Breen 16K, Petrillo 5K
39. (R) Berman 38K, Hoyt 4K, Kosmatka 68K, Tatulyan 18K (D) Suidan 30K
40. (R) Banerian 42K, Bossardet 48K, Secrest 6K, Taros 59K, Wolkinson 69K, Zane 37K
(D) Manoogian 92K, Bedi 67K
41. (R) Baker 66K, Tietz 67K (D) Kuppa 88K
42. (R) Bollin 49K (D) Shand 29K
43. (R) Aliaga 35K, Bartolotta 17K, Schroeder 37K (D) Breadon 5K
44. (R) Maddock 98K, Marko 21K, O'Brien 15K (D) Dodd 17K
48. (D) Kennedy 38K, Tiffany 4K, Gunnels 3K
49. (D) Cherry 56K, Walling 35K, Darisaw 6K
51. (R) Anderton 6K, Mueller 42K, Shapiro 23K, Shetron 11K (D) Lossing 30K
55. (D) Warren 103K, McNally 1K
56. (R) Sheppard 68K (D) Whiteside 4K
57. (R) Kahle 96K (D) Pedersen 4K
61. (R) Iden 135K (D) Whitener 14K, Griffin 14K
62. (R) Morgan 32K (D) Haadsma 39K
63. (R) Maturen 76K, Hall 209K
64. (R) Alexander 78K (D) Troxel 19K
65. (R) Brittain 31K, Lightner 30K, Rice 8K (D) McKinnon 11K
66. (R) Griffin 102K (D) Seibert 16K
67. (R) Clark 16K (D) Hope 49K, Findlay 4K, Domann 1K
68. (D) DeWeese 78K, Anthony 67K, Collison 17K, Bradley 6K, Anderson 2K, Guins 1K
69. (D) Brixie 101K, Tsernoglou 81K, Banas 37K
71. (R) Barnes 31K, Cascarilla 59K, Stewart 18K
(D) Witwer 68K, Bowen 14K
72. (R) Johnson 62K, Antel 15K (D) Draayer 27K
73. (R) Afendoulis 90K, Fortier 53K, Regan 14K, Spencer 9K (D) Saxton 13K
76. (R) Brand 34K (D) Hood 70K
77. (R) Brann 91K (D) VanKirk 14K
78. (R) Hinkle 2K, Mann 34K, Paquette 17K, Priede 10K (D) Hill 6K
79. (R) Gorenflo 7K, Moen 20K, Rolling 13K, Wendzel 52K (D) Andrews 12K
81. (R) Eisen 3K, Nicholl 24K, Pratt 5K, Stocker 12K, Williams 4K
84. (R) Bierlein 13K, Green 15K, Smith 28K
85. (R) Frederick 94K (D) Sabin 8K
88. (R) Bosch 4K, Meerman 30K, Minier 9K
90. (R) Estrada 4K, Slagh 30K
91. (R) Jager 7K, VanWoerkem 91K (D) Cabala 46K
93. (R) Anderson 48K, Filler 62K, Hill 25K (D) Levey 8K
94. (R) Gerhardt 52K, Wakeman 34K (D) Adams 12K
98. (R) Glenn 52K (D) Schulz 60K
99. (R) Hauck 140K (D) Quast-Lents 33K, Brown 23K, Doyle 1K
101. (R) O'Malley 28K (D) Wiejaczka 52K, Hoogterp 4K
102. (R) Hoitenga 75K, Barnett 34K
104. (R) Inman 74K (D) Oneil 107K
106. (R) Allor 213K (D) Greene 20K
107. (R) Chatfield 261K (D) Galloway 17K
110. (R) LaCosse $232, Markkanen 3K, Schott 9K (D) Summers 69K
Friday, July 27, 2018
July 2018 Michigan State Senate Fundraising
July 27 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature. Here are summaries of the total amount raised in Michigan state senate districts. Totals include in-kind and late contributions.
1. (D) Chang 147K Scott XX Talabi 10K
2. (D) Banks 157K Hollier 121K Aiyash 106K Miah 10K Gannon 9K Cushingberry 8K Lemmons waiver Olumba waiver
3. (D) Santana 113K Woronchak 117K
4. (D) Bullock 56K Durhal 100K
5. (D) Knezek 253K
6. (D) Kosowski 107K Geiss 74K
7. (R) Cox 162K (D) Qadir 117K Polehanki 69K
8. (R) Lucido 147K Goike 41K
9. (D) Wojno 169K
10. (R) Shallal 47K MacDonald 21K (D) Yanez 126K
11. (D) J. Moss 90K
12. (R) Tedder 165K McCready 138K (D) Bayer 68K
13. (R) Knollenberg 252K (D) McMorrow 161K
14. (R) Johnson 56K
15. (R) Runestad 212K (D) Pulver 53K
16. (R) Shirkey 180K Dame 24K
17. (R) Zorn 254K (D) LaVoy 17K
18. (D) Irwin 158K Deatrick 224K Rajendra 153K
19. (R) Callton 265K Bizon 264K
20. (R) O'Brien 371K (D) McCann 137K
21. (R) LaSata 114K Pagel 116K
22. (R) Theis 122K
23. (D) Hertel 281K
24. (R) Barrett 227K Roberts 139K (D) Rossman-McKinney 313K
25. (R) Lauwers 76K
26. (R) Genetski 201K Nesbitt 213K Wickstra 140K (D) Lewis 29K
27. (D) Ananich 253K
28. (R) MacGregor 255K
29. (R) Afendoulis 427K (D) Brinks 289K
30. (R) Garcia 259K Haveman 97K Victory 237K DeBoer 10K
31. (R) Glenn 243K Daley 118K (D) Luczak 30K Jordan 24K
32. (R) Horn 270K (D) Phelps 36K Gaudreau 12K
33. (R) Outman 65K
34. (R) Bumstead 184K Hughes 1.1M (D) Lamonte 29K Sias-Hernandez 53K
35. (R) Franz 52K Rendon 102K VanderWall 126K
36. (R) Stamas 324K
37. (R) Schmidt 386K Gurr 7K
38. (R) McBroom 128K Carey 129K (D) Dianda 179K
1. (D) Chang 147K Scott XX Talabi 10K
2. (D) Banks 157K Hollier 121K Aiyash 106K Miah 10K Gannon 9K Cushingberry 8K Lemmons waiver Olumba waiver
3. (D) Santana 113K Woronchak 117K
4. (D) Bullock 56K Durhal 100K
5. (D) Knezek 253K
6. (D) Kosowski 107K Geiss 74K
7. (R) Cox 162K (D) Qadir 117K Polehanki 69K
8. (R) Lucido 147K Goike 41K
9. (D) Wojno 169K
10. (R) Shallal 47K MacDonald 21K (D) Yanez 126K
11. (D) J. Moss 90K
12. (R) Tedder 165K McCready 138K (D) Bayer 68K
13. (R) Knollenberg 252K (D) McMorrow 161K
14. (R) Johnson 56K
15. (R) Runestad 212K (D) Pulver 53K
16. (R) Shirkey 180K Dame 24K
17. (R) Zorn 254K (D) LaVoy 17K
18. (D) Irwin 158K Deatrick 224K Rajendra 153K
19. (R) Callton 265K Bizon 264K
20. (R) O'Brien 371K (D) McCann 137K
21. (R) LaSata 114K Pagel 116K
22. (R) Theis 122K
23. (D) Hertel 281K
24. (R) Barrett 227K Roberts 139K (D) Rossman-McKinney 313K
25. (R) Lauwers 76K
26. (R) Genetski 201K Nesbitt 213K Wickstra 140K (D) Lewis 29K
27. (D) Ananich 253K
28. (R) MacGregor 255K
29. (R) Afendoulis 427K (D) Brinks 289K
30. (R) Garcia 259K Haveman 97K Victory 237K DeBoer 10K
31. (R) Glenn 243K Daley 118K (D) Luczak 30K Jordan 24K
32. (R) Horn 270K (D) Phelps 36K Gaudreau 12K
33. (R) Outman 65K
34. (R) Bumstead 184K Hughes 1.1M (D) Lamonte 29K Sias-Hernandez 53K
35. (R) Franz 52K Rendon 102K VanderWall 126K
36. (R) Stamas 324K
37. (R) Schmidt 386K Gurr 7K
38. (R) McBroom 128K Carey 129K (D) Dianda 179K
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
David Maturen's Liberal Record
David Maturen is a Republican state representative representing district 63 (eastern Kalamazoo and southern Calhoun counties). He has held the seat since 2014, after spending 12 years on the Kalamazoo County Commission. Maturen is one of the most liberal Republicans in the state house.
He voted to increase the state gas tax, motor fuel tax, and registration fees.
He voted to increase regulations on auto repairs.
He voted against electric choice.
He was one of only 12 house Republicans to vote against an income tax cut.
He was one of only 7 house Republicans to vote against constitutional carry.
He voted for corporate welfare for FoxConn.
He voted against a bill to cut auto insurance rates.
He voted against making English the official language of Michigan.
He voted against requiring a conviction before civil asset forfeiture.
Maturen is not pro-gun and has a D rating from the NRA.
Maturen is pro-abortion and has never been endorsed by Right to Life.
There is a better choice. Matt Hall is right on the issues where Maturen is wrong. (The third candidate in the race recently dropped out and endorsed Hall.) Matt Hall is the clear choice for conservatives.
He voted to increase the state gas tax, motor fuel tax, and registration fees.
He voted to increase regulations on auto repairs.
He voted against electric choice.
He was one of only 12 house Republicans to vote against an income tax cut.
He was one of only 7 house Republicans to vote against constitutional carry.
He voted for corporate welfare for FoxConn.
He voted against a bill to cut auto insurance rates.
He voted against making English the official language of Michigan.
He voted against requiring a conviction before civil asset forfeiture.
Maturen is not pro-gun and has a D rating from the NRA.
Maturen is pro-abortion and has never been endorsed by Right to Life.
There is a better choice. Matt Hall is right on the issues where Maturen is wrong. (The third candidate in the race recently dropped out and endorsed Hall.) Matt Hall is the clear choice for conservatives.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
NRA Endorsements
The National Rifle Association has just issued its endorsements for the 2018 primary. They give grades to candidates who have voting records or fill out their survey. They endorse most acceptable incumbents and endorse in some open seats. Endorsed candidates are in bold. (Aq means a candidate got an A from the questionnaire only, and doesn't have a voting record.)
Governor: No endorsement. Schuette got A+, Calley and Colbeck got A, Hines got Aq.
US Senate: No endorsement. John James and Sandy Pensler both got Aq.
8. Bishop A endorsed.
11. All five Republican candidates got A or Aq.
State Senate:
6. (D) Kosowski B, Geiss F
8. Lucido A+, Goike A
10. All three got Aq.
12. Tedder A, McCready D
14. Apparently nobody filled out the questionnaire.
15. Jim Runestad A+
16. Mike Shirkey A+
19. Bizon B+, Callton A.
21. LaSata A, Pagel C.
22. Lana Theis A+
24. Barrett and Roberts both got A.
26. Nesbitt and Genetski both got A.
29. Chris Afendoulis got C+.
30. Victory, Garcia got A, DeBoer Aq, Haveman B+.
31. Gary Glenn A+, Daley A-.
32. (D) Phelps A, Gaudreau F
33. Rick Outman A
34. Bumstead, Hughes both got A.
35. Franz, Vanderwall, and Rendon all got A.
37. Schmidt A+, Gurr Aq.
38. McBroom A, Carey Aq.
Governor: No endorsement. Schuette got A+, Calley and Colbeck got A, Hines got Aq.
US Senate: No endorsement. John James and Sandy Pensler both got Aq.
8. Bishop A endorsed.
11. All five Republican candidates got A or Aq.
State Senate:
6. (D) Kosowski B, Geiss F
8. Lucido A+, Goike A
10. All three got Aq.
12. Tedder A, McCready D
14. Apparently nobody filled out the questionnaire.
15. Jim Runestad A+
16. Mike Shirkey A+
19. Bizon B+, Callton A.
21. LaSata A, Pagel C.
22. Lana Theis A+
24. Barrett and Roberts both got A.
26. Nesbitt and Genetski both got A.
29. Chris Afendoulis got C+.
30. Victory, Garcia got A, DeBoer Aq, Haveman B+.
31. Gary Glenn A+, Daley A-.
32. (D) Phelps A, Gaudreau F
33. Rick Outman A
34. Bumstead, Hughes both got A.
35. Franz, Vanderwall, and Rendon all got A.
37. Schmidt A+, Gurr Aq.
38. McBroom A, Carey Aq.
Friday, June 08, 2018
Michigan Right to Life Endorsements
Michigan Right to Life has just issued its endorsements for the 2018 primary. RTL swings a significant number of Michigan primary voters, so its endorsements will decide some races.
RTL will recommend all candidates if they are all pro-life, but if there is a serious non-pro-life candidate, they will pick one pro-life candidate to endorse. Their noteworthy endorsements are listed below.
Governor: All Republican candidates meet criteria.
US Senate: John James solely endorsed. Sandy Pensler is not endorsed.
All Republican incumbents are endorsed except for Fred Upton. Notably, Upton was endorsed in 2012, 2014, and 2016 despite a past pro-abortion record.
9. Candius Stearns
11. All five Republican candidates are endorsed.
State Senate: All Republican incumbents are endorsed.
8. Both Lucido and Goike
10. All are endorsed
12. McCready and Tedder are endorsed (not Molnar or Whitney).
14. No endorsement of Ruth Johnson.
15. Jim Runestad solely endorsed.
19. Both Bizon and Callton are endorsed.
21. Both LaSata and Pagel are endorsed.
22. Lana Theis solely endorsed.
24. Both Barrett and Roberts are endorsed. Roberts has not been endorsed in past cycles.
26. Nesbitt, Genetski, and Wickstra all endorsed.
29. Chris Afendoulis solely endorsed.
30. Victory, Garcia, DeBoer, Haveman all endorsed.
31. Glenn and Daley both endorsed. Luczak (D) solely endorsed.
33. Rick Outman solely endorsed.
34. Bumstead and Hughes both endorsed.
35. Franz, Vanderwall, and Rendon endorsed (not Urka).
38. Carey, McBroom both endorsed.
State House: All Republican incumbents are endorsed except one.
10. (D) Ronda Barley
36. Karen Lund-Potchynok solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
39. Marsha Kosmatka solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
40. Five endorsed (all but Secrest).
41. Baker and Tietz endorsed (not Dwyer).
43. Andrea Schroeder solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
44. Matt Maddock solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
51. Mike Mueller solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
63. No endorsement for incumbent Dave Maturen or challengers Matt Hall or Paul Foust.
65. Sarah Lightner solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
67. Both endorsed
71. All four endorsed
73. All four endorsed
78. David Mann solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
79. Four endorsed (all but DeMeulenaere).
81. Kenneth Nicholl solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
84. All three endorsed
88. Luke Meerman solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
90. Bradley Slagh endorsed over Orlando Estrada.
91. Greg VanWoerkom endorsed over Alan Jager.
93. All three endorsed
94. Steven Gerhardt solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
98. Annette Glenn solely endorsed.
101. Both endorsed
110. Kirk Schott solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
RTL will recommend all candidates if they are all pro-life, but if there is a serious non-pro-life candidate, they will pick one pro-life candidate to endorse. Their noteworthy endorsements are listed below.
Governor: All Republican candidates meet criteria.
US Senate: John James solely endorsed. Sandy Pensler is not endorsed.
All Republican incumbents are endorsed except for Fred Upton. Notably, Upton was endorsed in 2012, 2014, and 2016 despite a past pro-abortion record.
9. Candius Stearns
11. All five Republican candidates are endorsed.
State Senate: All Republican incumbents are endorsed.
8. Both Lucido and Goike
10. All are endorsed
12. McCready and Tedder are endorsed (not Molnar or Whitney).
14. No endorsement of Ruth Johnson.
15. Jim Runestad solely endorsed.
19. Both Bizon and Callton are endorsed.
21. Both LaSata and Pagel are endorsed.
22. Lana Theis solely endorsed.
24. Both Barrett and Roberts are endorsed. Roberts has not been endorsed in past cycles.
26. Nesbitt, Genetski, and Wickstra all endorsed.
29. Chris Afendoulis solely endorsed.
30. Victory, Garcia, DeBoer, Haveman all endorsed.
31. Glenn and Daley both endorsed. Luczak (D) solely endorsed.
33. Rick Outman solely endorsed.
34. Bumstead and Hughes both endorsed.
35. Franz, Vanderwall, and Rendon endorsed (not Urka).
38. Carey, McBroom both endorsed.
State House: All Republican incumbents are endorsed except one.
10. (D) Ronda Barley
36. Karen Lund-Potchynok solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
39. Marsha Kosmatka solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
40. Five endorsed (all but Secrest).
41. Baker and Tietz endorsed (not Dwyer).
43. Andrea Schroeder solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
44. Matt Maddock solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
51. Mike Mueller solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
63. No endorsement for incumbent Dave Maturen or challengers Matt Hall or Paul Foust.
65. Sarah Lightner solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
67. Both endorsed
71. All four endorsed
73. All four endorsed
78. David Mann solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
79. Four endorsed (all but DeMeulenaere).
81. Kenneth Nicholl solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
84. All three endorsed
88. Luke Meerman solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
90. Bradley Slagh endorsed over Orlando Estrada.
91. Greg VanWoerkom endorsed over Alan Jager.
93. All three endorsed
94. Steven Gerhardt solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
98. Annette Glenn solely endorsed.
101. Both endorsed
110. Kirk Schott solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
Friday, June 01, 2018
Michigan AG: Comparing Leonard and Schuitmaker
The race for the Republican nomination for Attorney General will be decided at the Michigan Republican Convention on August 25 in Lansing. Two candidates are competing for the nomination. Tom Leonard was a prosecutor who was elected to the Michigan state house in 2012 and became speaker in 2016. Tonya Schuitmaker is a lawyer, state representative (2004-2010) and state senator (2010-2018).
Republican delegates who want to nominate the right person need to know the records of the two candidates. Both have voting records, which can be researched at The following summarizes their records on issues of importance to conservatives.
Gas Tax Increase Both Leonard and Tonya opposed Proposal 1, which would have increased taxes by 2 billion dollars to pay for roads and other transportation projects. Leonard and Tonya both supported a smaller gas tax increase for roads.
Amazon Tax Leonard opposed the 'Amazon Tax' to force consumers to pay sales tax on out-of-state internet purchases. Tonya supported this tax increase.
Income Tax Cut Leonard supported and led an effort to cut the state income tax, which narrowly failed in the state house. The state senate did not vote on the bill.
Medicaid Expansion Both Leonard and Tonya opposed Medicaid expansion, which was part of the implementation of Obamacare.
Pension Reform Both Leonard and Tonya supported reforming school employee pensions. Leonard led the effort to make sure that the bill passed.
Business Subsidies The Mackinac Center recently released an index to rate how often a legislator has voted to support taxpayer supported business subsidies. Leonard supported 70.1% of subsidies, while Tonya supported 76.9% of subsidies.
Hollywood Subsidies Both Leonard and Tonya voted to end subsidies for Hollywood movie studios.
FoxConn Subsidies Leonard opposed subsidies for FoxConn, a Taiwanese company. Tonya supported the subsidies.
Electric Choice Leonard and Tonya both voted for a bill to impose more regulation on electricity generation and limit choice of electricity providers.
Auto Insurance Leonard supported a bill to reform auto insurance to provide more choices and reduce rates. The bill failed in the state house and was not taken up in the state senate.
Speed Limits Both Leonard and Tonya voted for a small increase in freeway speed limits.
Common Core Leonard opposed the implementation of Common Core education standards. The state senate passed Common Core with an (unrecorded) voice vote, but Tonya indicated her support for Common Core. Neither chamber has voted on Common Core repeal legislation this session.
Constitutional Carry Leonard voted for constitutional carry, and made sure the bill was voted on as speaker. The state senate has not taken up the bill.
Official English Leonard supported making English the official language of Michigan. Tonya was one of only two Republicans to oppose official English in 2006.
Republican delegates who want to nominate the right person need to know the records of the two candidates. Both have voting records, which can be researched at The following summarizes their records on issues of importance to conservatives.
Gas Tax Increase Both Leonard and Tonya opposed Proposal 1, which would have increased taxes by 2 billion dollars to pay for roads and other transportation projects. Leonard and Tonya both supported a smaller gas tax increase for roads.
Amazon Tax Leonard opposed the 'Amazon Tax' to force consumers to pay sales tax on out-of-state internet purchases. Tonya supported this tax increase.
Income Tax Cut Leonard supported and led an effort to cut the state income tax, which narrowly failed in the state house. The state senate did not vote on the bill.
Medicaid Expansion Both Leonard and Tonya opposed Medicaid expansion, which was part of the implementation of Obamacare.
Pension Reform Both Leonard and Tonya supported reforming school employee pensions. Leonard led the effort to make sure that the bill passed.
Business Subsidies The Mackinac Center recently released an index to rate how often a legislator has voted to support taxpayer supported business subsidies. Leonard supported 70.1% of subsidies, while Tonya supported 76.9% of subsidies.
Hollywood Subsidies Both Leonard and Tonya voted to end subsidies for Hollywood movie studios.
FoxConn Subsidies Leonard opposed subsidies for FoxConn, a Taiwanese company. Tonya supported the subsidies.
Electric Choice Leonard and Tonya both voted for a bill to impose more regulation on electricity generation and limit choice of electricity providers.
Auto Insurance Leonard supported a bill to reform auto insurance to provide more choices and reduce rates. The bill failed in the state house and was not taken up in the state senate.
Speed Limits Both Leonard and Tonya voted for a small increase in freeway speed limits.
Common Core Leonard opposed the implementation of Common Core education standards. The state senate passed Common Core with an (unrecorded) voice vote, but Tonya indicated her support for Common Core. Neither chamber has voted on Common Core repeal legislation this session.
Constitutional Carry Leonard voted for constitutional carry, and made sure the bill was voted on as speaker. The state senate has not taken up the bill.
Official English Leonard supported making English the official language of Michigan. Tonya was one of only two Republicans to oppose official English in 2006.
Saturday, May 05, 2018
2018 Kalamazoo County Commission Races
This post was last updated August 20, 2018.
Democrats won a 6-5 majorities on the Kalamazoo County Commission in 2014 and 2016, which were generally good years for Republicans. There were three open seats on 2016, and there is one (district 2) this year.
The following post has detailed descriptions of the districts and their political leanings. The numbers given are the percentage the Republican county commission candidate got in 2012, 2014 and 2016, and Ruth Johnson's (2010), Mitt Romney (2012) and Donald Trump (2016) percentages. Incumbents are marked below with asterisks.
Kalamazoo County Commission Districts.

List of Kalamazoo County Candidates
District 1 [N Kalamazoo] Safe Democrat
R12: 13.9 R14: 0 R16: 19 Johnson: 20.3 Romney: 13.5 Trump: 14.9
Democrat: Stephanie Moore*
Republican: Ronald Olson
Stephanie Moore replaced Carolyn Alford in 2014 in this majority minority district. Moore was a Kalamazoo city commissioner and has been convicted of several crimes over the years. She allied with Republicans to make Dale Shugars the board chairman for one year and became chair for 2018 herself.
District 2 [SE Kalamazoo] Safe Democrat
R12: 0 R14: 29.5 R16: 27.5 Johnson: 33.4 Romney: 28.1 Trump: 25.1
Democrat: Paul Haag
Republican: none
Incumbent Kevin Wordelman, a union organizer at WMU, won this seat vacated by David Buskirk in 2014. He is retiring this year.
District 3 [SW Kalamazoo] Safe Democrat
R12: 31.1 R14: 32.3 R16: 29.7 Johnson: 37.2 Romney: 30.1 Trump: 28
Democrat: Tracy Hall*
Republican: Charley Coss
Hall was elected in 2016, replacing John Taylor. Hall was previously a candidate for Kalamazoo city commission in 2013. Coss is running again after losing in 2016.
District 4 [Kalamazoo Twp, Parchment] Safe Democrat
R12: 32.2 R14: 0 R16: 0 Johnson: 41.8 Romney: 31.7 Trump: 30
Democrat: Michael Seals*, Shequita Lewis
Republican: none
Seals defeated fellow democrat commissioner (02-10) Franklin Thompson in 2010. This year, he barely survived a primary challenge from Shequita Lewis, who was backed by Stephanie Moore.
District 5 [Alamo, N Oshtemo, NW Kalamazoo Twp] Safe Democrat
R12: 44.3 R14: 44.7 R16: 43.7 Johnson: 56.9 Romney: 47.2 Trump: 45.8
Democrat: Julie Rogers*
Republican: Chad Dillon
Rogers won this competiive seat in 2012. Dillon, a staffer for Congressman Fred Upton, is running again.
District 6 [Cooper, Richland, Ross] Safe Republican
R12: 54 R14: 100 R16: 77 Johnson: 62.9 Romney: 54.7 Trump: 56.4
Democrat: none
Republican: Ron Kendall*
Kendall, a staffer for state rep. Tom Barrett (14-P) of Eaton County, succeeded Jeff Heppler in 2016. He beat Vince Carahaly, a moderate businessman, and Frank Brooks, a passionate Trump supporter, 39-35-26 in the primary.
District 7 [Comstock, Galesburg, Charleston, Climax, Wakeshma] Safe Republican
R12: 50.9 R14: 54.9 R16: 56.8 Johnson: 59.3 Romney: 50.6 Trump: 56.7
Democrat: none
Republican: Roger Tuinier*
Tuinier, who is a greenhouse owner, barely defeated Leroy Crabtree in 2012. He beat David Burgess, a Comstock Township Trustee, in 2014, and Pat Clark, a Climax Village Trustee, in 2016.
District 8 [Pavillion, Brady, Schoolcraft, Prairie Ronde] Safe Republican
R12: 100 R14: 61 R16: 100 Johnson: 63.5 Romney: 55.1 Trump: 60
Democrat: Cody Dekker
Republican: John Gisler*, Kraig Lee
Commissioner John Gisler was elected in 2010 but deferred to fellow commissioner (02-12) David Maturen in the 2012 Republican primary due to redistricting. Gisler returned in 2014 when Maturen was elected to the state house. Gisler defeated Kraig Lee, a union democrat in disguise, in the primary this year.
District 9 [Texas, SE Oshtemo] Likely Republican
R12: 53.9 R14: 61.3 R16: 54.6 Johnson: 62.5 Romney: 51.7 Trump: 47.6
Democrat: Christine Morse
Republican: Dale Shugars*
Shugars, a conservative former state senator (94-02) and state rep (90-94), was elected to the commission in 2014, succeeding Brandt Iden. He was board chairman in 2017 thanks to a deal with democrat Stephanie Moore.
District 10 [W Portage] Lean democrat
R12: 52.8 R14: 49.6 R16: 49.8 Johnson: 58.8 Romney: 49.4 Trump: 45.2
Democrat: Michael Quinn*
Republican: Steve Carra, Nasim Ansari
Quinn was a commissioner 2008-2010. Following R Phil Stinchcomb (10-12) and D Larry Provancher (95-02, 14-16), Quinn returned. Carra, a staffer for state rep Steven Johnson (16-P) of Allegan County and secretary of the Kalamazoo GOP, defeated Ansari, a county commissioner (02-12) and Portage city commissioner (13-17) who lost a race for mayor of Portage in 2017, in the primary.
District 11 [E Portage] Tossup
R12: 52.5 R14: 54.2 R16: 52.5 Johnson: 56.5 Romney: 47.5 Trump: 46.9
Democrat: Meredith Place
Republican: Scott McGraw*
McGraw succeed John Zull (00-14). McGraw formerly worked for the Kalamazoo Homebuilders Association and is now Chairman of the Kalamazoo GOP. Place is the wife of former commissioner (02-16) and democrat party chairman John Taylor.
Democrats won a 6-5 majorities on the Kalamazoo County Commission in 2014 and 2016, which were generally good years for Republicans. There were three open seats on 2016, and there is one (district 2) this year.
The following post has detailed descriptions of the districts and their political leanings. The numbers given are the percentage the Republican county commission candidate got in 2012, 2014 and 2016, and Ruth Johnson's (2010), Mitt Romney (2012) and Donald Trump (2016) percentages. Incumbents are marked below with asterisks.
Kalamazoo County Commission Districts.

List of Kalamazoo County Candidates
District 1 [N Kalamazoo] Safe Democrat
R12: 13.9 R14: 0 R16: 19 Johnson: 20.3 Romney: 13.5 Trump: 14.9
Democrat: Stephanie Moore*
Republican: Ronald Olson
Stephanie Moore replaced Carolyn Alford in 2014 in this majority minority district. Moore was a Kalamazoo city commissioner and has been convicted of several crimes over the years. She allied with Republicans to make Dale Shugars the board chairman for one year and became chair for 2018 herself.
District 2 [SE Kalamazoo] Safe Democrat
R12: 0 R14: 29.5 R16: 27.5 Johnson: 33.4 Romney: 28.1 Trump: 25.1
Democrat: Paul Haag
Republican: none
Incumbent Kevin Wordelman, a union organizer at WMU, won this seat vacated by David Buskirk in 2014. He is retiring this year.
District 3 [SW Kalamazoo] Safe Democrat
R12: 31.1 R14: 32.3 R16: 29.7 Johnson: 37.2 Romney: 30.1 Trump: 28
Democrat: Tracy Hall*
Republican: Charley Coss
Hall was elected in 2016, replacing John Taylor. Hall was previously a candidate for Kalamazoo city commission in 2013. Coss is running again after losing in 2016.
District 4 [Kalamazoo Twp, Parchment] Safe Democrat
R12: 32.2 R14: 0 R16: 0 Johnson: 41.8 Romney: 31.7 Trump: 30
Democrat: Michael Seals*, Shequita Lewis
Republican: none
Seals defeated fellow democrat commissioner (02-10) Franklin Thompson in 2010. This year, he barely survived a primary challenge from Shequita Lewis, who was backed by Stephanie Moore.
District 5 [Alamo, N Oshtemo, NW Kalamazoo Twp] Safe Democrat
R12: 44.3 R14: 44.7 R16: 43.7 Johnson: 56.9 Romney: 47.2 Trump: 45.8
Democrat: Julie Rogers*
Republican: Chad Dillon
Rogers won this competiive seat in 2012. Dillon, a staffer for Congressman Fred Upton, is running again.
District 6 [Cooper, Richland, Ross] Safe Republican
R12: 54 R14: 100 R16: 77 Johnson: 62.9 Romney: 54.7 Trump: 56.4
Democrat: none
Republican: Ron Kendall*
Kendall, a staffer for state rep. Tom Barrett (14-P) of Eaton County, succeeded Jeff Heppler in 2016. He beat Vince Carahaly, a moderate businessman, and Frank Brooks, a passionate Trump supporter, 39-35-26 in the primary.
District 7 [Comstock, Galesburg, Charleston, Climax, Wakeshma] Safe Republican
R12: 50.9 R14: 54.9 R16: 56.8 Johnson: 59.3 Romney: 50.6 Trump: 56.7
Democrat: none
Republican: Roger Tuinier*
Tuinier, who is a greenhouse owner, barely defeated Leroy Crabtree in 2012. He beat David Burgess, a Comstock Township Trustee, in 2014, and Pat Clark, a Climax Village Trustee, in 2016.
District 8 [Pavillion, Brady, Schoolcraft, Prairie Ronde] Safe Republican
R12: 100 R14: 61 R16: 100 Johnson: 63.5 Romney: 55.1 Trump: 60
Democrat: Cody Dekker
Republican: John Gisler*, Kraig Lee
Commissioner John Gisler was elected in 2010 but deferred to fellow commissioner (02-12) David Maturen in the 2012 Republican primary due to redistricting. Gisler returned in 2014 when Maturen was elected to the state house. Gisler defeated Kraig Lee, a union democrat in disguise, in the primary this year.
District 9 [Texas, SE Oshtemo] Likely Republican
R12: 53.9 R14: 61.3 R16: 54.6 Johnson: 62.5 Romney: 51.7 Trump: 47.6
Democrat: Christine Morse
Republican: Dale Shugars*
Shugars, a conservative former state senator (94-02) and state rep (90-94), was elected to the commission in 2014, succeeding Brandt Iden. He was board chairman in 2017 thanks to a deal with democrat Stephanie Moore.
District 10 [W Portage] Lean democrat
R12: 52.8 R14: 49.6 R16: 49.8 Johnson: 58.8 Romney: 49.4 Trump: 45.2
Democrat: Michael Quinn*
Republican: Steve Carra, Nasim Ansari
Quinn was a commissioner 2008-2010. Following R Phil Stinchcomb (10-12) and D Larry Provancher (95-02, 14-16), Quinn returned. Carra, a staffer for state rep Steven Johnson (16-P) of Allegan County and secretary of the Kalamazoo GOP, defeated Ansari, a county commissioner (02-12) and Portage city commissioner (13-17) who lost a race for mayor of Portage in 2017, in the primary.
District 11 [E Portage] Tossup
R12: 52.5 R14: 54.2 R16: 52.5 Johnson: 56.5 Romney: 47.5 Trump: 46.9
Democrat: Meredith Place
Republican: Scott McGraw*
McGraw succeed John Zull (00-14). McGraw formerly worked for the Kalamazoo Homebuilders Association and is now Chairman of the Kalamazoo GOP. Place is the wife of former commissioner (02-16) and democrat party chairman John Taylor.
Tuesday, May 01, 2018
Primary Recommendations for Michigan State Senate
Every seat in the Michigan state senate is up for election in 2018, and the majority of seats are open due to term limits. The senate has been run by more moderate Republicans, who have obstructed more conservative legislation passed in the state house. How conservative the senate is for the next four years will be determined by Republican primaries in August. Here are my recommendations for who to support in those primaries.
Recommended candidates are in bold. Their voting records can be found at
7. State rep Laura Cox is an establishment conservative who is a strong candidate in a vulnerable district. She is unopposed.
8. State rep Peter Lucido is a mixed bag who opposed Proposal 1 and an increased gas tax but also opposed right to work and electric choice and supported Hollywood subsidies. He faces former state rep Ken Goike, who opposed right to work, Common Core, Medicaid expansion, Proposal 1, and Hollywood subsidies, and supported a gas tax increase and electric choice.
10. Dr. Michael MacDonald seems to be the most credible candidate in a weak field. Michael Shallal has a history of questionable statements, and Joseph Bogdan is running a gadfly campaign.
12. State rep Jim Tedder is more conservative than average in the state house, opposing Hollywood subsidies and supporting an income tax cut, constitutional carry, and pension reform. He faces moderate state rep Michael McCready, who supported Common Core, Medicaid expansion, Proposal 1, Hollywood subsidies and opposed an income tax cut, constitutional carry and pension reform. Vernon Molnar and Terry Whitney are also running.
14. Secretary of State Ruth Johnson has a solid conservative record in office. She faces Katherine Houston in her bid to move down to the state senate.
15. State rep Jim Runestad is a conservative hero who voted against Proposal 1 and an increased gas tax. Runestad has fundraised very well, and moderate former state rep Hugh Crawford dropped out of the race to seek reelection to the Oakland County Commission. Michael Saari unofficially dropped out of the race after making inflammatory comments, but remains on the ballot.
19. State rep Dr. John Bizon has a somewhat moderate record, yet he opposed Hollywood subsidies and FoxConn subsidies and supported electric choice. Former state rep Mike Callton has a liberal record, supporting Hollywood subsidies and opposing electric choice. Significantly, Callton represented a safely Republican district, while Bizon represents the most democratic district held by a Republican. Thus there is a chance that Bizon would vote more conservative in a safer district, while we have no reason to expect any better from Callton.
21. State rep Kim LaSata is an average conservative, supporting an income tax cut, constitutional carry, and pension reform. She faces state rep Dave Pagel, who is one of the most liberal republicans in the state house, having supported Common Core, Medicaid expansion, and Proposal 1 and opposed electric choice, an income tax cut, constitutional carry, and pension reform.
22. State rep Lana Theis is a conservative star who opposed Proposal 1 and the gas tax increase. She faces Joseph Converse Marinaro, who is running a gadfly campaign.
24. State rep Tom Barrett is a solid conservative who supported electric choice, an income tax cut, pension reform, and auto insurance reform, and opposed FoxConn subsidies. He faces state rep Brett Roberts, who opposed electric choice, an income tax cut, pension reform, and auto insurance reform, and supported FoxConn subsidies. Roberts has never been endorsed by Right to Life and represents only a small part of the district.
25. State rep Dan Lauwers, an average Republican, is unopposed for this seat.
26. State rep Bob Genetski is a solid conservative who was regularly rated most conservative in the state house. He faces state rep Aric Nesbitt, an average Republican who supported Common Core and opposed electric choice.
29. State rep Chris Afendoulis has a moderate voting record, but is the only candidate running a serious campaign in a very vulnerable district. Daniel Oesch has filed a reporting waiver.
30. This is traditionally the most Republican district in Michigan, but it has a history of electing relative moderates. Three state reps are competing here. Daniela Garcia has a very moderate record, opposing electric choice, an income tax cut, and auto insurance reform. Her predecessor, Joe Haveman, is little better, voting for Medicaid expansion and Proposal 1. Roger Victory is a more average Republican, who voted against Medicaid expansion and electric choice and for Proposal 1, an income tax cut, and auto insurance reform. A better choice is conservative activist Rett DeBoer, who has volunteered for President Trump and Pat Colbeck.
31. State rep Gary Glenn is a conservative hero in the state house, opposing Proposal 1 and the gas tax and supporting electric choice. He faces state rep Kevin Daley, who supported Proposal 1.
33. Former state rep Rick Outman is an average Republican who supported Common Core and Proposal 1 and opposed Medicaid expansion and electric choice. He faces former state house candidate Greg Alexander.
34. State rep John Bumstead is somewhat more conservative here, voting against Common Core, Medicaid expansion, Proposal 1, and for increased speed limits and electric choice. He faces state rep Holly Hughes, who opposed increased speed limits and electric choice.
35. State rep Ray Franz is a solid conservative who opposed Proposal 1. He faces average Republican state rep Bruce Rendon, who supported Proposal 1, and state rep Curt VanderWall, who supported FoxConn subsidies.
37. Teacher Jim Gurr is running an uphill primary challenge to state senator Wayne Schmidt, who supported Proposal 1, Common Core, Medicaid expansion, the Amazon tax, increased gas tax, and FoxConn subsidies and opposed electric choice. He also introduced legislation to legalize red light cameras.
38. State rep Ed McBroom is somewhat moderate, but has weak fundraising so far. Mike Carey is a moderate with significant self-funding. This district is vulnerable, as moderate democrat state rep Scott Dianda is running.
The Michigan state senate currently has two solid conservatives (Pat Colbeck and Joe Hune). This year, two (Runestad and Theis) are near certain to win, and four others (Barrett, Genetski, Glenn, and Franz) have decent chances to win. Conservative donor looking to maximize their impact should support those four, and perhaps Tedder, LaSata, and DeBoer.
Recommended candidates are in bold. Their voting records can be found at
7. State rep Laura Cox is an establishment conservative who is a strong candidate in a vulnerable district. She is unopposed.
8. State rep Peter Lucido is a mixed bag who opposed Proposal 1 and an increased gas tax but also opposed right to work and electric choice and supported Hollywood subsidies. He faces former state rep Ken Goike, who opposed right to work, Common Core, Medicaid expansion, Proposal 1, and Hollywood subsidies, and supported a gas tax increase and electric choice.
10. Dr. Michael MacDonald seems to be the most credible candidate in a weak field. Michael Shallal has a history of questionable statements, and Joseph Bogdan is running a gadfly campaign.
12. State rep Jim Tedder is more conservative than average in the state house, opposing Hollywood subsidies and supporting an income tax cut, constitutional carry, and pension reform. He faces moderate state rep Michael McCready, who supported Common Core, Medicaid expansion, Proposal 1, Hollywood subsidies and opposed an income tax cut, constitutional carry and pension reform. Vernon Molnar and Terry Whitney are also running.
14. Secretary of State Ruth Johnson has a solid conservative record in office. She faces Katherine Houston in her bid to move down to the state senate.
15. State rep Jim Runestad is a conservative hero who voted against Proposal 1 and an increased gas tax. Runestad has fundraised very well, and moderate former state rep Hugh Crawford dropped out of the race to seek reelection to the Oakland County Commission. Michael Saari unofficially dropped out of the race after making inflammatory comments, but remains on the ballot.
19. State rep Dr. John Bizon has a somewhat moderate record, yet he opposed Hollywood subsidies and FoxConn subsidies and supported electric choice. Former state rep Mike Callton has a liberal record, supporting Hollywood subsidies and opposing electric choice. Significantly, Callton represented a safely Republican district, while Bizon represents the most democratic district held by a Republican. Thus there is a chance that Bizon would vote more conservative in a safer district, while we have no reason to expect any better from Callton.
21. State rep Kim LaSata is an average conservative, supporting an income tax cut, constitutional carry, and pension reform. She faces state rep Dave Pagel, who is one of the most liberal republicans in the state house, having supported Common Core, Medicaid expansion, and Proposal 1 and opposed electric choice, an income tax cut, constitutional carry, and pension reform.
22. State rep Lana Theis is a conservative star who opposed Proposal 1 and the gas tax increase. She faces Joseph Converse Marinaro, who is running a gadfly campaign.
24. State rep Tom Barrett is a solid conservative who supported electric choice, an income tax cut, pension reform, and auto insurance reform, and opposed FoxConn subsidies. He faces state rep Brett Roberts, who opposed electric choice, an income tax cut, pension reform, and auto insurance reform, and supported FoxConn subsidies. Roberts has never been endorsed by Right to Life and represents only a small part of the district.
25. State rep Dan Lauwers, an average Republican, is unopposed for this seat.
26. State rep Bob Genetski is a solid conservative who was regularly rated most conservative in the state house. He faces state rep Aric Nesbitt, an average Republican who supported Common Core and opposed electric choice.
29. State rep Chris Afendoulis has a moderate voting record, but is the only candidate running a serious campaign in a very vulnerable district. Daniel Oesch has filed a reporting waiver.
30. This is traditionally the most Republican district in Michigan, but it has a history of electing relative moderates. Three state reps are competing here. Daniela Garcia has a very moderate record, opposing electric choice, an income tax cut, and auto insurance reform. Her predecessor, Joe Haveman, is little better, voting for Medicaid expansion and Proposal 1. Roger Victory is a more average Republican, who voted against Medicaid expansion and electric choice and for Proposal 1, an income tax cut, and auto insurance reform. A better choice is conservative activist Rett DeBoer, who has volunteered for President Trump and Pat Colbeck.
31. State rep Gary Glenn is a conservative hero in the state house, opposing Proposal 1 and the gas tax and supporting electric choice. He faces state rep Kevin Daley, who supported Proposal 1.
33. Former state rep Rick Outman is an average Republican who supported Common Core and Proposal 1 and opposed Medicaid expansion and electric choice. He faces former state house candidate Greg Alexander.
34. State rep John Bumstead is somewhat more conservative here, voting against Common Core, Medicaid expansion, Proposal 1, and for increased speed limits and electric choice. He faces state rep Holly Hughes, who opposed increased speed limits and electric choice.
35. State rep Ray Franz is a solid conservative who opposed Proposal 1. He faces average Republican state rep Bruce Rendon, who supported Proposal 1, and state rep Curt VanderWall, who supported FoxConn subsidies.
37. Teacher Jim Gurr is running an uphill primary challenge to state senator Wayne Schmidt, who supported Proposal 1, Common Core, Medicaid expansion, the Amazon tax, increased gas tax, and FoxConn subsidies and opposed electric choice. He also introduced legislation to legalize red light cameras.
38. State rep Ed McBroom is somewhat moderate, but has weak fundraising so far. Mike Carey is a moderate with significant self-funding. This district is vulnerable, as moderate democrat state rep Scott Dianda is running.
The Michigan state senate currently has two solid conservatives (Pat Colbeck and Joe Hune). This year, two (Runestad and Theis) are near certain to win, and four others (Barrett, Genetski, Glenn, and Franz) have decent chances to win. Conservative donor looking to maximize their impact should support those four, and perhaps Tedder, LaSata, and DeBoer.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
2018 Michigan State House Races
Last updated August 1, 2018.
Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and RRH Elections.
All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majority in 2016, the same margin as in 2014. There are 42 open seats, 25 held by Republicans and 17 held by democrats. There are 23 open due to term-limits, 18 just due to seeking another office, and 1 pure retirement.
Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm. In some seats, the candidate fields have yet to take shape. Libertarians achieved major party status due to Gary Johnson's showing in 2016, which makes it easier for people to run as Libertarians. Another factor is the fate of the bill eliminating straight ticket voting, which is currently tied up in court.
The last two cycles have seen contests between moderate and conservative factions in the house GOP, won by the conservatives narrowly in 2014 and more decisively in 2016. This time, the house GOP candidate recruitment is solidly in the hands of conservatives, and conservative Lee Chatfield is the presumptive next house GOP leader. There are still likely to be some ideological battles, particularly in districts vacated by moderate incumbents.
Republican Michigander has a profile of the Michigan state house focusing more on district demographics.

The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, and 2016 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating. Candidates who filed a reporting waiver, indicating that they will not raise more than $1000 (and hence are not serious) are typically omitted. The complete candidate list is available here:
Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and RRH Elections.
All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majority in 2016, the same margin as in 2014. There are 42 open seats, 25 held by Republicans and 17 held by democrats. There are 23 open due to term-limits, 18 just due to seeking another office, and 1 pure retirement.
Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm. In some seats, the candidate fields have yet to take shape. Libertarians achieved major party status due to Gary Johnson's showing in 2016, which makes it easier for people to run as Libertarians. Another factor is the fate of the bill eliminating straight ticket voting, which is currently tied up in court.
The last two cycles have seen contests between moderate and conservative factions in the house GOP, won by the conservatives narrowly in 2014 and more decisively in 2016. This time, the house GOP candidate recruitment is solidly in the hands of conservatives, and conservative Lee Chatfield is the presumptive next house GOP leader. There are still likely to be some ideological battles, particularly in districts vacated by moderate incumbents.
Republican Michigander has a profile of the Michigan state house focusing more on district demographics.

The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, and 2016 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating. Candidates who filed a reporting waiver, indicating that they will not raise more than $1000 (and hence are not serious) are typically omitted. The complete candidate list is available here:
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
January 2018 Michigan State Senate Fundraising
January 31 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature. Some races are already well-developed, while in others, candidates have only recently declared or have yet to declare. Here are summaries of the total amount raised in Michigan state senate districts. Totals include state house committees for state representatives. Cash on hand is in parentheses when significantly less than the total raised.
3. (D) Santana 91K Woronchak 2K
6. (D) Kosowski 69K Geiss 16K
7. (R) Cox 95K (D) Qadir 98K
8. (R) Lucido 130K
9. (D) Lane 101K Wojno 8K
10. (R) Shallal 36K (D) Yanez 66K
11. (D) Moss 23K (5K)
12. (R) Tedder 73K (36K)
13. (R) Knollenberg 143K (54K)
14. (R) Johnson 35K (21K)
15. (R) Runestad 190K (151K) Crawford 46K (18K)
16. (R) Shirkey 123K
17. (R) Zorn 143K (83K)
18. (D) Irwin 66K Zemke 22K
19. (R) Callton 242K (115K) Bizon 211K
20. (R) O'Brien 213K (147K) McCann 30K
21. (R) Pscholka 65K
22. (R) Theis 80K (51K)
24. (R) Barrett 61K Roberts 25K (7K) (D) Rossman-McKinney 180K (150K)
25. (R) Lauwers 47K
26. (R) Genetski 192K Nesbitt 74K
28. (R) MacGregor 181K (83K)
29. (R) Afendoulis 220K (D) Brinks 139K
30. (R) Garcia 172K Haveman 32K Victory 77K
31. (R) Glenn 115K Daley 61K (D) Luczak 9K
32. (R) Horn 186K (109K)
33. (R) Outman 14K
34. (R) Bumstead 137K (76K) Hughes 806K (300K)
35. (R) Franz 27K Rendon 57K (21K)
36. (R) Stamas 233K (109K)
37. (R) Schmidt 265K (60K)
38. (R) McBroom 27K (11K) (D) Dianda 100K (80K)
3. (D) Santana 91K Woronchak 2K
6. (D) Kosowski 69K Geiss 16K
7. (R) Cox 95K (D) Qadir 98K
8. (R) Lucido 130K
9. (D) Lane 101K Wojno 8K
10. (R) Shallal 36K (D) Yanez 66K
11. (D) Moss 23K (5K)
12. (R) Tedder 73K (36K)
13. (R) Knollenberg 143K (54K)
14. (R) Johnson 35K (21K)
15. (R) Runestad 190K (151K) Crawford 46K (18K)
16. (R) Shirkey 123K
17. (R) Zorn 143K (83K)
18. (D) Irwin 66K Zemke 22K
19. (R) Callton 242K (115K) Bizon 211K
20. (R) O'Brien 213K (147K) McCann 30K
21. (R) Pscholka 65K
22. (R) Theis 80K (51K)
24. (R) Barrett 61K Roberts 25K (7K) (D) Rossman-McKinney 180K (150K)
25. (R) Lauwers 47K
26. (R) Genetski 192K Nesbitt 74K
28. (R) MacGregor 181K (83K)
29. (R) Afendoulis 220K (D) Brinks 139K
30. (R) Garcia 172K Haveman 32K Victory 77K
31. (R) Glenn 115K Daley 61K (D) Luczak 9K
32. (R) Horn 186K (109K)
33. (R) Outman 14K
34. (R) Bumstead 137K (76K) Hughes 806K (300K)
35. (R) Franz 27K Rendon 57K (21K)
36. (R) Stamas 233K (109K)
37. (R) Schmidt 265K (60K)
38. (R) McBroom 27K (11K) (D) Dianda 100K (80K)
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