Sunday, August 11, 2024

2024 Michigan Primary Election Results

2024 Michigan Primary Election Results 

US Senate:
(R) Rogers 64 Amash 15 O'Donnell 12 Pensler 9
(D) Slotkin 76 Hill 24

3. (R) Hudson 55 Markey 45
4. (R) Huizenga 73 Muir 27
8. (R) Junge 75 Draves 15 Hudson 10
   (D) Rivet 53 Collier 26 Pugh 20
10. (D) Marlinga 49 Young 25 Tilley 13 Busch 13
13. (D) Thanedar 54 Waters 34 Hawkins 11
There will again be no black Ds from MI in Congress next year.

State House:
3. (D) Farhat 49 Abdulmalik 40
5. (D) Weiss 48 Bailey 40
13. (D) Xiong 71 Steenland 19
14. (D) McFall 71 Fouts 29
22. (R) Stathakis 71 Charette 29
27. (R) Linting 71 Dill 21
35. (R) Wortz 52 Stockford 30 Matthew 18
36. (R) Carra 69 Perez 20 Malmborg 11 Big improvement by Carra after a weak showing in 2022.
38. (R) Whiteford 56 Lucas 44
39. (R) Wendzel 72 Overton 28
40. (D) Longjohn 70 Brayton 30 The real D defeats the party switcher.
42. (R) Hall 65 Cutshaw 35
44. (R) Frisbie 77 Harris 15 Shotts 8
48. (R) Ignatowski 68 Beliger 32
50. (R) Woolford 34 Bezotte 30 Restucchia 22 Lyke 14 Scandal-adjacent incumbent goes down.
51. (R) Maddock 59 Zeigler 41 Some voters may be tiring of Maddock.
55. (D) Harrold 53 Hawkins 47
57. (D) Farooqi 67 Fox 22
58. (R) Robinson 68 Goodrich 32
59. (R) Wozniak 74 Zott 26
61. (R) Wojtowicz 45 Cleary 40 Grossenbacher 15
64. (R) Pavlov 32 Baldwin 30 Eisen 29 No comeback for Eisen.
66. (R) Schriver 66 Levasseur 34 Schriver's controversial comments didn't hurt much.
67. (R) Green 78 Cross 13 Marden 9
70. (D) Neeley 61 Clack 39
71. (R) BeGole 67 Rathbun 33
76. (R) Shaver 85 Jones 15
78. (R) Johnsen 72 Rocha 28
84. (R) Wetzel 87 June 13
103. (R) Trombley 63 Kniss 31 Garcia 6
106. (R) Cavitt 59 Smalenberg 41
107. (R) Fairbairn 63 Friske 37 Scandal-adjacent incumbent goes down.
109. (R) Bohnak 75 Mason 15 Wagner 10 (D) Hill 80 Girard 16 Finally a different nominee in this district.

Kalamazoo County Judge:
Morse 53 Willis 28 Camfield 19 Morse and Willis move on to November.

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