Sunday, August 11, 2024

2024 Michigan Primary Election Results

2024 Michigan Primary Election Results 

US Senate:
(R) Rogers 64 Amash 15 O'Donnell 12 Pensler 9
(D) Slotkin 76 Hill 24

3. (R) Hudson 55 Markey 45
4. (R) Huizenga 73 Muir 27
8. (R) Junge 75 Draves 15 Hudson 10
   (D) Rivet 53 Collier 26 Pugh 20
10. (D) Marlinga 49 Young 25 Tilley 13 Busch 13
13. (D) Thanedar 54 Waters 34 Hawkins 11
There will again be no black Ds from MI in Congress next year.

State House:
3. (D) Farhat 49 Abdulmalik 40
5. (D) Weiss 48 Bailey 40
13. (D) Xiong 71 Steenland 19
14. (D) McFall 71 Fouts 29
22. (R) Stathakis 71 Charette 29
27. (R) Linting 71 Dill 21
35. (R) Wortz 52 Stockford 30 Matthew 18
36. (R) Carra 69 Perez 20 Malmborg 11 Big improvement by Carra after a weak showing in 2022.
38. (R) Whiteford 56 Lucas 44
39. (R) Wendzel 72 Overton 28
40. (D) Longjohn 70 Brayton 30 The real D defeats the party switcher.
42. (R) Hall 65 Cutshaw 35
44. (R) Frisbie 77 Harris 15 Shotts 8
48. (R) Ignatowski 68 Beliger 32
50. (R) Woolford 34 Bezotte 30 Restucchia 22 Lyke 14 Scandal-adjacent incumbent goes down.
51. (R) Maddock 59 Zeigler 41 Some voters may be tiring of Maddock.
55. (D) Harrold 53 Hawkins 47
57. (D) Farooqi 67 Fox 22
58. (R) Robinson 68 Goodrich 32
59. (R) Wozniak 74 Zott 26
61. (R) Wojtowicz 45 Cleary 40 Grossenbacher 15
64. (R) Pavlov 32 Baldwin 30 Eisen 29 No comeback for Eisen.
66. (R) Schriver 66 Levasseur 34 Schriver's controversial comments didn't hurt much.
67. (R) Green 78 Cross 13 Marden 9
70. (D) Neeley 61 Clack 39
71. (R) BeGole 67 Rathbun 33
76. (R) Shaver 85 Jones 15
78. (R) Johnsen 72 Rocha 28
84. (R) Wetzel 87 June 13
103. (R) Trombley 63 Kniss 31 Garcia 6
106. (R) Cavitt 59 Smalenberg 41
107. (R) Fairbairn 63 Friske 37 Scandal-adjacent incumbent goes down.
109. (R) Bohnak 75 Mason 15 Wagner 10 (D) Hill 80 Girard 16 Finally a different nominee in this district.

Kalamazoo County Judge:
Morse 53 Willis 28 Camfield 19 Morse and Willis move on to November.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

2024 Michigan General Election Races

This post was last updated August 26, 2024.

Michigan's presidential electors, congressional seats, and the entire state house will be up for election November 2024.

President: Tossup
Michigan's presidential primary was on February 27.  Former president Trump won the primary with 68% to 27% for Nikki Haley.  Joe Biden won the Michigan D primary with 81%.  He was forced out of the race, and Vice President Kamala Harris was selected to be the D nominee.  Michigan was close in 2016 and 2020, and will be a battleground again in 2024.

US Senate: Tossup
Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow is retiring.  Congresswoman (18-24) Elissa Slotkin, who represents a Lansing-area district, won the D primary with 76% to actor Hill Harper's 24%.

Former congressman (00-14) Mike Rogers, who represented the same Lansing-area district as Slotkin, won the R primary with 64% thanks in part to Trump's endorsement.  Also running were libertarian former rep (10-20) Justin Amash with 15%, Sherry O'Donnell with 12%, and businessman Sandy Pensler (who dropped out) with 9%.

Michigan Supreme Court Lean D/Tossup
Nominees for Michigan Supreme Court will be decided at state conventions on August 24.
Bolden seat:  Former state rep Kyra Bolden (D) was appointed in 2023 to complete the term of Justice Bridget Mary McCormack.  She is running for the partial (4-year) term.  Branch County circuit court judge Patrick William O’Grady is the R nominee.
Viviano seat:  Justice David Viviano (R), appointed in 2013, is retiring.  State rep Andrew Fink defeated Court of Appeals judge Mark Boonstra for the R nomination  Law professor Kimberly Ann Thomas is the D nominee.

Other Statewide Offices
Two seats on the state Board of Education and boards of trustees of U of M, MSU, and WSU will be up for election.  Out of 8 seats, Republicans won 5 in 2016, 0 in 2018, 3 in 2020, and 0 in 2022.  The candidates are as follows (incumbents are marked with *).
State Board of Education:
Republicans:  Tom McMillin *, Nikki Snyder *
Democrats:  Theodore “Ted” Jones and Adam Zemke
UM Board of Regents:
Republicans:  Sevag Vartanian, Carl Meyers
Democrats:  Denise Illitch *, Shauna Ryder Diggs
MSU Board of Trustees:
Republicans:  Mike Balow, July Maday
Democrats:  Rebecca Bahar Cook, Thomas Stallworth
WSU Board of Governors:
Republicans:  Michael Busuito *, Sunny Reddy
Democrats:  Mark Gaffney *, Rasha Demashkieh

Ballot Propositions
At present, no initiatives have qualified for the ballot.

Michigan Congressional Seats
Democrats won a 7-6 majority in Michigan's congressional delegation in 2022, after a commission gerrymandered the districts.  Districts 7 and 8 and open, and Republicans will try to win both districts. Ds will try to win the 10th district of Republican John James.  The post below examines these races in detail.

2024 Michigan Congressional Races

Michigan House
All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives are up for election. Democrats won a 56-54 majority in 2022.  There will be 8 open seats.  Both parties have potential targets to pickup.
2024 Michigan State House Races

40th District (Portage, Oshtemo) Safe democrat
Incumbent Christine Morse (D) is retiring this year to seek a local judgeship.  Dr. Matt Longjohn, who was the D nominee for congress in 2018, won the D nomination.  He defeated Lisa Brayton.  The R candidate is Kalamazoo GOP chair Kelly Sackett, who lost by 17% in 2022.
41st District (Kalamazoo City) Safe democrat
D county commissioner (12-20) Julie Rogers was elected in 2020.  The R nominee is Terry Haines.
42nd District (E Kalamazoo, Plainwell) Safe Republican
Matt Hall was first elected in 2018, defeating a moderate incumbent, and is now the house R leader.  He moved to Kalamazoo County from Calhoun County after being put in the same district as Sarah Lightner (R) of Jackson County.  He defeated trucking company owner Rich Cutshaw 65-35 in the R primary.  The D nominee is Austin Marsman.
44th District (Battle Creek, Albion) Tossup
This district was drawn in 2012 as a gerrymander to put the most D areas of Calhoun in one district to protect then-speaker Jase Bolger (R) in a neighboring district.  Incredibly, the redistricting commission maintained this gerrymander.  County commissioner Jim Haadsma (D) was elected to this open seat in 2018. County commissioner Steve Frisbie won the R nomination with 77% against Alexander Harris and Jim Shotts.

Kalamazoo Countywide Offices
All six countywide offices are up for election. Republicans hold one of six offices.

Sheriff: Safe democrat
Democrat Richard Fuller was first elected in 2008.  The R nominee is James Charon.
Prosecutor: Safe democrat
Democrat former assistant prosecutor Jeffrey Getting, who was first elected in 2012, is unopposed.
Clerk: Safe democrat
Democrat county commissioner (18-20) Meredith Place was elected in 2020.  The R nominee is Kathleen Olmstead.
Treasurer: Likely democrat
D real estate agent Thomas Whitener was elected in 2020, defeating R incumbent Mary Balkema.  He has been accused of incompetence in office.  The R nominee is former state senator (94-02), state rep (90-94) and county commissioner Dale Shugars.
Drain Commissioner: Safe democrat
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control agent Jason Wiersma was elected in 2020.
Surveyor: Safe democrat
Republican Bill Hahn was first elected in 2008, and has been unopposed in each election since then.  He is seeking reelection as a D, and is again unopposed.  The position is unpaid, and its holder must be a licensed surveyor.

9th Circuit Court Judge
This is a newly created seat.  In the nonpartisan primary, state rep (20-24) Christine Morse (D) got 53%, conservative attorney Mariko Willis got 28%, and Angelique Camfield got 19%.  Morse and Willis advance to the general election in November.

Kalamazoo County Commission
All 9 seats on the Kalamazoo County Commission will be up for election. Ds hold a 6-3 majority. There are no open seats and none are likely to be competitive.

2024 Kalamazoo County Commission Races