Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Inconvenient Truths About Global Warming

It turns out that Mars is also experiencing "global warming". The martian polar ice caps are melting. How will liberals blame this on humans?

Liberals have been claiming scientific "consensus" based on the number of scientists listed on the IPCC report. But not all of the scientists listed agree with the report's conclusions. French scientist Paul Reiter was listed even though he rejects its conclusions. This is not the first time that this has happened. How many other scientists haven't spoken out because they don't want to be smeared as "holocaust deniers"?


Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity Allan, what is your motivation for being so anti-global warming? What do you see are your marginal benefit for taking the stand you do?

A.J. said...

This is a great question! This is exactly the kind of dialogue that I intended when I started this blog last year! Thank you for asking a question, and not attacking him personally! I hope that this means others will follow your lead