Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Casualty of Government

Diane Rehm, the NPR host originally scheduled to speak the same day as John Ashcroft, has postponed her speech for the second time.

Her absence is due to an unusual injury.

In traveling to Oklahoma City for a speech, Rehm put saline solution for eye contacts into a 3-ounce bottle, and put her perfume into another identical 3-ounce bottle. Rehm confused the two bottles, and soaked her contacts in her perfume. Once she put her perfume-coated contacts on, it is estimated that 90 percent of her eyes were burned, according Sommerfeldt. In the eye-healing process, she came down with pneumonia.

So basically what happened here is that a government regulation meant to protect us ended up hurting someone. Such unintended consequences should be considered when government programs are proposed.


Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about Allan?

Matthew said...

"90% of her eyes were burned."

Does that mean she put a perfume-soaked contact lens into one eye, and then put the second into the other? Man! Don't you feel that? Or even smell it (as it was drenched overnight in perfume) as it's passing your face to your eye?

Tough beats. I guess we'll have to cancel the staring contest as well? Get well soon, DR.

Anonymous said...

WHAT? It's "the government's" fault Diane Rehm accidentally burned herself?
Man what is wrong with you?
Are you on drugs?
Are you in some weird fantasy land where you blame all of life's problem's on government regulations?