Monday, March 19, 2007

Evaluating the Candidates

The 2008 Presidential race is already well underway. With all the claims and counterclaims, endorsements and shifting positions, how can you know who to support?

Here are a few principles to help aid your decision.

Don't base your vote on a few well-turned phrases. Most candidates can give speeches that appeal to their audiences. Research their statements to see if they have been consistent over time.

More important than what they say is what they do. Research their voting records. Legislators have long records, most of which they won't publicize. Beyond just how they vote, look at what legislation they have advocated, and what they have actively opposed. The links below should be very helpful in analyzing candidates' records.

Don't pay too much attention to endorsements from politicians and party officials. Their endorsements tend to reflect their own situations, rather than who is really the best candidate. Candidates raise money and campaign for other politicians so that they can get their endorsements. Politicians can suffer repercussions in their own elections, fundraising, and political efforts if they endorse the "wrong" person.

Instead, examine the endorsements made by issue groups. Groups that advocate a particular agenda can best determine who would best aid that agenda.

Look at the down sides of potential candidates as well. Some negatives are widely known, but many others are not. Before the end of the campaign, the opposition is likely to publicize such things.

"Electability" is an important concern, but it is difficult to evaluate. Polls conducted before a race has been run are certainly not a reliable measure of it.

Taking this advice to heart will lead to a more informed decision.

Voting Records:
American Conservative Union
American Conservative Union-Presidential
On The Issues
National Right to Life Committee
Gun Owners of America-Senate
Gun Owners of America-House
Gun Owners of America-Presidential
Americans for Better Immigration
Americans for Better Immigration-Presidential
Eagle Forum
Club for Growth
Club for Growth-Presidential (At Right)
National Taxpayers Union
Americans for Tax Reform
Americans for Tax Reform-Presidential
Cato Institute-Governors


Dan said...

If the candidate is a house member or a senator, there's a gold mine of information at - the entire record of federal votes.

Anonymous said...

We should try to get a screening here and then invite all the members of the HOS