Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The environmentalists don't want you to see this.


Anonymous said...

Yep, right Allan. So tell me, what do you see as your benifit in taking this position on global warming? How do you generate your worldview?

Anonymous said...

Allan who are you kidding?

I've sent you hundreds of pages of the science proving global warming, you can't argue it away any more than you can argue away gravity.

Anonymous said...

There's a free showing of "An Inconvenient Truth" tonight, (in about 45 minutes actually)

I realize there's not much chance you'll read this time, but I encourage you to come see it, or perhaps rent it later, it might clear up some of the confusion surrounding this issue.

The movie plays at 7:30 pm in room 1220 of the new chemistry building. All are welcome.