Friday, April 07, 2006

The coalition for higher tuition

Liberals on campus are demanding that Western pay higher prices for labor. The "Living Wage Campaign Coalition" staged a protest march to the administration building. They demanded that Western pay higher wages to janitors.

Here's a question for you. Suppose that you want to buy something. Would you choose to:
a. pay a low price
b. pay a high price
Liberals would choose the high price. At least, if they can make you pay it. The LWCC ought to be called the coalition for higher tuition.

Once they got to the administration building, they taped a check for $7 to the wall. Then, (I'm not making this up) they had a dance party in the administration building.

They were kicked out by the police.

No word on whether they had puppet shows, drums, masks, burnings in effigy, or any other standards of liberal protests.


Anonymous said...

You know what, I wasn't on the living wage bandwagon before, but after hearing about this dance party I think they've convinced me.


A.J. said...

My favorite apart in the whole article was when they were talking about Tim talking to the business guy about where the money for the outrageous raise would come from.
I hope the guy said "well, it would come from you." That's great that he's trying to look out for people not making very much, but a $2.50 raise, or as much as a $4.00 is a little too much, I think. And besides, they would pay for these raises with tuition and fee increases, and student program decreases. And why is he so mad that 60 union jobs got canned, while 60 privatized jobs were added? Well one of the jobs was his. Newsflash: non-union workers are more cost efficient than union workers.