Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kalamazoo Tea Party

The local tea party group (Southwest Michigan Tea Party Patriots) held a rally in Bronson Park on Tax Day. The rally attracted about 400-500 people.

Tea Party Patriots rally in Kalamazoo on tax-filing day

As expected, former state rep. Jack Hoogendyk announced that he would run for Congress. He will challenge incumbent rep. Fred Upton in the primary. Jack did not mention Upton in his remarks.

The featured speaker was Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum and longtime conservative activist. She detailed many of the radicals who have been appointed by President Obama and warned against judicial activism in light of the upcoming Supreme Court nomination.

The rally was emceed by Jay Morris of WKZO. The weather was perfect.

See their website: Kalamazoo Tea Party

Kalamazoo Tea Party
Kalamazoo’s Tax Day Tea Party
Phyllis Schlafly Speech

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