Congressman Fred Upton scored a 56% rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU) in 2014. These are the votes rated by ACU where he voted the wrong way.
1. HR 3547 (Roll Call 21) Omnibus Appropriations. This
$1.1 trillion spending bill for Fiscal Year 2014 increased
spending by $45 billion over the Budget Control Act
of 2011 with a massive increase of 25-29% for Obama
Administration programs in the Interior-Environment,
Labor-HHS-Education and State Department sections.
It also included bills that have nothing to do with
appropriations, such as an extension of flood insurance
subsidies. ACU opposes these bills that are written in
secret and passed with no amendments allowed. The
House passed the bill on January 15, 2014 by a vote of
3. HR 2642 (Roll Call 31) Farm Bill. This bill is the final
version of the farm bill that replaces direct payments to
farmers with a more expensive increase in crop insurance
subsidies with no caps on subsidies for wealthy farm
corporations. ACU has long opposed these Depressionera
programs and opposed this bill. The House passed
the bill on January 29, 2014 by a vote of 251-166.
6. H Con Res 96 (Roll Call 175) Conservative Budget.
The Woodall amendment to the budget bill presented
a conservative alternative that would have balanced the
budget in four years by freezing domestic spending at
$60 billion below current levels, reformed entitlement
programs, and eliminated wasteful programs that ACU
has long opposed. ACU supported this alternative as a
reasonable attempt to stop increases in our national debt
which reached $18 trillion in 2014.The House defeated
the amendment on April 10, 2014 by a vote of 133-291.
11. HR 4660 (Roll Call 243) Wasteful Spending. The
Pompeo amendment to the Commerce, Science,
Justice Appropriations bill would have eliminated the
Economic Development Administration and used the
funds to reduce the deficit. ACU has long opposed this
agency that uses taxpayer money for pork barrel projects
that serve as monuments to politicians, such as the
Harry Reid Research and Technology Park in Las Vegas,
and so supported this amendment. The House defeated
the amendment on May 29, 2014 by a vote of 129-280.
13. HR 4660 (Roll Call 253) Legal Services Corporation.
The Austin Scott amendment to the Commerce, Science,
Justice Appropriations bill would have eliminated funding
for the Legal Services Corporation. ACU has long opposed
funding for this agency that has not been authorized by
Congress for the last 34 years and is filled with waste and
fraud and so supported this amendment. The House
defeated the amendment on May 29, 2014 by a vote of
15. HR 4745 (Roll Call 274) Government Housing
Programs. The Chabot amendment to the Transportation
and Housing Appropriations bill would have reduced the
Section 8 housing voucher program by 10 percent and
apply the funds to deficit reduction. ACU opposes welfare
programs that have no time limits or work requirements
and supported this amendment. The House defeated the
amendment on June 9, 2014 by a vote of 127-279.
20. HR 4870 Roll Call 334) Biofuel Mandates. The Gosar
amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill would
prohibit the Defense Department from using biofuels
instead of far less expensive petroleum based fuels. ACU
opposes diverting funds that should go for national
security purposes to politically-motivated global warming
programs and supported this amendment. The House
defeated the amendment on June 20, 2014 by a vote of
21. HR 4923 (Roll Call 377) Energy Subsidies. The
McClintock amendment to the Energy and Water
Appropriations bill eliminates $3 billion in energy
subsidies. ACU opposes these programs that pick
winners and losers in the marketplace and supported this
amendment. The House defeated the amendment on July
9, 2014 by a vote of 97-321.
22. HR 4923 (Roll Call 388) Labor Law. The Steve King
amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill
would have barred the use of funds to enforce the DavisBacon
Act. ACU has long opposed this act’s requirement
to pay “prevailing wages” on federal projects, thus driving
up their cost, and supported this amendment. The House
defeated the amendment on July 10, 2014 by a vote of
24. HR 5272 (Roll Call 479) Immigration. This bill reverses
President Obama’s Executive order deferring action on
some illegal immigrants but not others. ACU opposes
this type of executive action that allows the president to
change existing law without legislation and supported this
bill. The House passed the bill on August 1, 2014 by a
vote of 216-192.
25. HR 83 (Roll Call 563) Omnibus Appropriations. This
1,600 page bill uses $19 billion in budget gimmicks to
comply with spending caps, increases funding for pork
barrel programs such as Community Development Block
Grants and includes hundreds of pages of bills that have
nothing to do with appropriations and that have not been
voted on by either the House or Senate. ACU opposes
these bills that are written in secret with no amendments
allowed and opposed this bill. The House passed the bill
on December 11, 2014 by a vote of 219-206.
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