Monday, July 22, 2013

Fools for Trayvon

Here's a report on the left's latest rally.

'Justice for Trayvon' rally held in downtown Kalamazoo to oppose gun violence
KALAMAZOO, MI -- A large group gathered in front of the federal courthouse on West Michigan Avenue in Kalamazoo Saturday for a "Justice for Trayvon" vigil.

More than 70 people attended the vigil that was held in solidarity with the National Action Network to “urge the federal government to investigate the Zimmerman trial further and to raise awareness about violence towards youth of color and the impacts of the Stand Your Ground laws across the country and in Michigan,” according to a press release issued on the event.
Investigate the trial?  Investigate what?

The National Action Network is Al Sharpton's group. Sharpton rose to fame by falsely accusing an innocent man of rape and sparking a race riot that killed a man.
The vigil, organized by Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy & Action in the Community, Eliminating Racism and Claiming/Celebrating Equality, and staff of the Kalamazoo College Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, began at noon and lasted for about one hour.
Ah, the Arcus Center.  This illustrates that "social justice" is the enemy of real justice.
“This was a wonderful rally,” said Gwen Harper, of Kalamazoo. “You would think in this country that guns are like free candy. Everyone has one. It’s crazy.”
Where do I go to get the free guns?
Harper said she braved the heat to participate in the vigil Saturday because she fears silence against gun violence and social injustice will lead to a society where life is no longer valued.
I wonder what her position on abortion is?
Attendees were urged to contact their elected officials and oppose the Stand Your Ground Law in Michigan as well as the George Zimmerman's verdict of not guilty in relation to the shooting of Trayvon Martin.
Stand Your Ground had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case.  In Michigan, the passed overwhelmingly (90-16 in the state house) and was signed by Governor Granholm in 2006.  They want people to contact their elected officials about a jury verdict?  Do they not understand how the jury system works?
Charles Warfield, president of the Metropolitan Kalamazoo Branch of the NAACP, said the message of the event was important because the verdict for George Zimmerman has implications on how life, law and liberty is viewed.

“It’s an important message in this kind of meeting because an organized minority becomes a political majority,” Warfield said. “So any organization of this type puts in motion a system for justice done for Trayvon Martin.”
Elder Douglas King of Grace Covenant Ministries and President of ISSAC gave the closing remarks for the vigil before leading the group in prayer.

“We gather today not because we hate Mr. Zimmerman,” King said. “We gather because love is more powerful than hate.”
Stupidity is more powerful than both.

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