Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Health News

Partners need knowledge in cases of HIV

Two arrests were recently made in Kalamazoo where the offenders were charged with not alerting their sexual partner of an HIV-positive diagnosis, said Carrie Klein, chief assistant prosecuting attorney in Kalamazoo County.

In light of the arrests, doctors at the Sindecuse Health Center want Western Michigan University students to know the risks associated with HIV and other STDs, said Marci Ellis, assistant medical director at Sindecuse.“If a student is diagnosed with HIV, they should seek support from a primary care clinician and infectious disease specialist,” said Lisa Marshall, M.D., medical director at Sindecuse. “A primary care clinician will be able to coordinate care and services needed and an infectious disease specialist will monitor and treat the disease process.”

The arrests were made after rumors began to spread that certain people had HIV-positive diagnoses and the sexual partners found out, Klein said. “When the sexual partners found out, some of them went to police and filed the complaint.”
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